Sunday, April 26, 2009

25th Annual Melbourne Art Festival

Mike the DJ holding up one of David's t-shirts
my little palm tree painting (with a little glare on it)
view towards river from patron booth(what looks like the end of the parking lot is actually the river; it's in between the property and building you see in the background) Street views

It was a beautiful weekend in sunny Florida...and perfect for the 25th annual Melbourne Art Festival. It was a little hot...but early morning and evening were perfect...and there was a good breeze all weekend. Fortunately for brother had a set-up in the back of a downtown we got to relax in air conditioned comfort and had a real bathroom steps away..(.no trips needed to the Port-O-lets...that are a blessing when you really need them....but I was so glad I never had to go near them this weekend!) Also...his show was in the meeting room of a Martini & Tapas delicious food was available (for purchase) right next door! Like any annual community tend to run into just about everybody in town at some point during the weekend...and this year was no exception. Lots of familiar faces...but some people I haven't seen in years were also there. It was fun. John and I participate in the Patron among the benefits is $ to purchase artwork. I did my part...haha! I got a nice carved fish for John and a painting for myself...and then I found the super deal...a woman had some small...4x5? could get up to measure it...but that would require getting up,, paintings of palm trees...for $15.00 ! The details were pretty good...I think I actually liked her little paintings better than the larger more expensive ones. (turns out my friend Gayle also purchased one...except hers was $20.00; which we discovered when we walked around the show this afternoon and compared notes.) It was a nice way to spend the weekend. Next week we get to hang out down at the park in Melbourne Beach...during the annual Founder's Day celebration...can't wait!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

One fish, two fish.....

David holding up one of the fish

David in the boat with one fish................................................Ron and John with big fish
This cooler is full of ice!

Mark with small fish
John with big fish
Ron & Roy at the cleaning table

One fish , two fish here's a few more fish..... What can I say...John & friends have been the kings of the dock lately...Each time the boat goes out they seem to catch a bunch of fish. The neighbors are loving it... lots of fresh tuna and mahi for everyone!

John reminds me of his mother who used to make a batch of soup (good soup! I miss it) and then bring a jar around to her neighbors to share it. When the boat pulls in the driveway...everyone starts calling or stopping by to see the "catch of the day". Yesterday it was a couple of small tuna and 17 Mahi...all about 15 lbs or more....most probably 20-30 range and one whopper...we were sure was 50...turned out to be 45 LBS. (all the guys decided they were going with 54. ha!) It took Ron (who volunteered to clean them all) 4 hrs of non stop work to clean them! Needless to say...Tim, David, John and Ron (yesterdays crew)slept well last night! It has been a great fishing season so far!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Top Movies

Listening to NPR the other day I heard they were asking people what are you listening to? reading? watching? I'm wondering if I heard that one day and wasn't really paying attention....and that's what made me come up with my lists? You never know?
at any rate....I have some time to I'll give the list of some of my favorite movies.....
It's really difficult to narrow it down to 10....but I think these are my favorites...most watched, etc.

1. Anne of Green Gables - (with Megan Follows, Colleen Dewhurst & Richard Farnsworth)(all parts)- I LOVE this movie.. I like it better than the books I think......I've watched it so many times and I laugh and cry every time and I just love it!( Some day I want to go to Prince Edward Island. There is a cruise that goes all along the St Lawrence River....stops in Boston, NYC, Quebec, PEI... the heck with Green Gables .....I could be Anne of the Cruise Ship!) :D

2. Last of the Mohicans - there's a war going on...people are getting shot, hacked up etc, but Daniel Day Lewis is so HOT! in this film, who cares! HA ha.

3.Pride and Prejudice -I like the book, all the movies, but I like the latest on with Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfayden. Oxygen Network seems to show it every month or so...and guess who watches it...every time!

4.Shakespeare in Love - great acting and always good for a laugh...and speaking of laughs......

5.Young Frankenstein - sometimes a funny movie is even funnier when there is a person with a great laugh in the can't help but laugh too! I went to see this movie with my brother David....who thought it was hilarious....he took me with him the second time he watched it and he started laughing before the movie even started....and what can I say...anytime I need a good laugh I can watch this...or even just talk about it with someone else who has seen it too!...("Take the candle out!")

6.Elizabethtown- I know some people think I'm strange because I like this movie...but it has a GREAT soundtrack and I just think it's funny. Maybe because it came out during a time in my life when I was attending or helping plan more than a couple funerals..(rest tap dance routines or flaming birds were involved) (I am laughing just thinking about it) was some comic relief!

7. Breaking Away- The father is too much. (the eenie foods) I really like this story.

* I'm cheating on this one
8. Peter Pan and Finding Neverland- I love Disney's version...and I ride the ride every time I go to the Magic Kingdom....I just always wanted to jump out the window and FLYYYYYYYYYYY!
and I love Finding Neverland....when the little children are in the audience and giggle and get all excited about the show....I just love it!

9.Sense and Sensibility- I like the story and the acting is great.

10. Little Women- with Winona Ryder and Susan Sarandon...if you look at my favorite will see March by Geraldine's a story about Mr. March and reading it makes me picture scenes from this movie in my head.

* I might have to make a whole separate list for comedies....because there are some great ones...but I won't go on and on.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Nestled under the
Eaves a
Song-filled ark of
Twigs and grass

Green leaves overhead, a
Rug of green under foot,
And the air between
Sweet with the green
Smell of spring.

Monday, April 20, 2009

April 21st - Holocaust Remebrance Day

Okay since it's National Poetry Month and tomorrow is Holocaust Remembrance day.. and I have a poem to share. I saw this poem about 19-20 years ago on a trip to DC to visit Jen. John watched the girls and I went for a few days by myself...and stayed with Jen..(.when she lived in Vienna)
We had a great time the whole trip. We got to visit all the museums when snow had shut the city down...offices, schools, etc were closed...but the museums were open. It was a great time to go...hardly anyone was there.l I went to see one of my favorite exhibits in the American History Museum... the first ladies Inaugural gowns....Well I've been there when you could hardly see anything...but Jen and I were in the room with only a handful of people. So we had a chance to really look closely at the dresses and accessories, etc. I don't think I will ever get to see it like that again. We also saw a fabulous exhibit at one of the museums (can't remember which one) from the Sultan Suleiman (Sp?) Gold crowns encrusted with jewels, hand painted books and again things I doubt I'll ever see again. During that trip we also visited the National Children's Museum and somewhere in our travels...we saw an exhibit from the new (at the time) Holocaust Museum that was opening soon.
There were photographs, etc that would just break your heart... a documentation of the 6 million Jews that were killed (as well as others)but the one of the things that stayed with me all these years was a collection of poems that prisoners in the concentration camps had written that were on display. The one I am going to share just really struck could someone in such a horrible place, cold and starving...... still have such hope and faith that things would get better. I have wondered many times since then if I would have the courage and strength to survive....and I wish I could say YES! but I just don't know............
This poem was written by a young woman/girl:
From Tomorrow On
From tomorrow on, I shall be sad
From tomorrow on!
Today I will be gay!
What is the use of sadness----tell me that?---
Because these evil winds begin to blow?
Why should I grieve for tomorrow---today?
Tomorrow may be so good, so sunny,
Tomorrow the sun may shine for us again:
We shall no longer need to be sad.
From tomorrow on, I shall be sad----
From tomorrow on!
Not today: no! Today I will be glad.
And every day, no matter how bitter it be,
I will say:
From tomorrow on, I shall be sad,
Not today!
Motele (*she did not survive the camp)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jenifer July 23,1963 - April 19, 2007

Cheryl, Jen & Ellen dancing?posing? both!

Lindsey, Bridget, Brenna & Jen

* All of us except Martha

Jen & Rob

Jen & Rob & Paul

Cheryl & Jenifer , friends since the first day of first grade

Aunt Jenifer & Brenna

Aunt Jenifer & Megan

Celebrating Shane's birthday

"Those we have laughed with,learned from, leaned on, and loved most
will live on in memory forever."

I just wanted to share a few photos and a few words in memory of my sister Jenifer, who died two years ago today. The photos remind we of what a beautiful person Jenifer was. These are (mostly) from John's 50th birthday party in December 2005. Jen was pretty sick at the time...but the pictures show her smiling, dancing, laughing and just being Jen! The year and 3 1/2/ months following this get-together were pretty thing after another and a lot of pain....but she stayed pretty positive. It's not quite as hard to think about her without wanting to cry....but I miss her ; especially when something funny comes up and I'd love to be able to laugh about it with her.(see the post about the towels) However...when I do think about her...I can hear her in my she's not so far away after all.
*as you may know...I love music and I almost always have music on in the I do now...
and it just so happens that a perfect song for this post just played on my Ipod.
"From Where You Are" by Lifehouse (which is a perfect song when you need a good cry!)
and I'll just finish off with a verse from that song.......
I feel the beating of your heart
I see the shadows of your face
Just know that wherever you are
Yeah, I miss you
And I wish you were here.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

something to go with the next post.....

part of a little poem....

Animal crackers and cocoa to drink
That is the finest of meals I think
When I am old and can do as I please
I think I shall always insist upon these! :)

Cookies on a Saturday afternoon

We are going to some friends for dinner tonight (fish...what else) and you know what that means....I get to BAKE! (any excuse to make something...I just can't keep it here...or I will eat it all bit by bit)..... soon as I knew we were going to the Roy's...I got the ingredients out.

The cookies I made are one of my favorite recipes...and what's not to like...peanut butter, sugar, M&M's, etc.

The first time I made these was for my Brownie troop......(Brenna) (who's 24 now.....I'll let you do the math.)( haha)Anyway...they've always been a hit. I think I got the recipe from Southern Living. The Brownie troop was at Holy Trinity School... and we switched a couple years later to Indialantic we didn't see the girls too often after that....but when Brenna and Megan were at Mel of my former Brownies was in Latin Club with Megan.(this is important background information...bear with me. Ha)I volunteered to bring refreshments to the Latin Club event and I made these cookies. Alison (former Brownie-now a HS senior) took one bite of one and looked at me and said"You made these didn't you Mrs. Kaminski? I remember these cookies from when you made them for our Brownie troop."

So...what can I tell you....they're good!


1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened

1 cup sugar

1 cup plus 2 TBSP firmly packed brown sugar
3 eggs

2 cups peanut butter

1/4 tsp vanilla

3/4 tsp light corn syrup

4 1/2 cups regulars oats, uncooked

2 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp salt

1 cup plain M & M's

6 oz semisweet morsels

Cream butter, gradually add sugars, beating well. add eggs, peanut butter, vanilla & corn syrup. Beat well. Add oats, soda and salt, stir well. stir in remaining ingredients. Drop dough by 1/4 cupfuls-about 4 inches apart onto lightly greased cookie sheets. Bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes, centers will be soft. Cool slightly on cookie sheets, remove to rack and cool completely.

*If you make them this big....the recipe makes about 2 1/2 dz...I usually make them smaller (so technically I guess mine aren't "Monster" cookies...haha...I make a good sized cookie and you get a lot! They are tasty!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Talking to myself

Not to be confused with "Dancin with myself" (a favorite song by Billy Idol.....have danced many times to that!)
I think I like this whole BLOG thing because I get to write stuff whenever I want and maybe people read it and maybe they don't.....but if they do...they know a little bit about who I am. I've always been one to say what I think...and I try very hard to think it through first...but this is kind of fun! For instance today I am going to make a list of some favorites......and maybe this will give a little insight into who I really am. And besides...when would I talk about this otherwise! Ha ha!
Remember when you went to college and the way you got an idea about whether or not you were going to get along with your roommate was by checking out their albums while they were out of the room. Well that's kind of what these lists are may think you know me.......but do you? Haha I know I always like to see what other people, art, books, etc sometimes they surprise me...and other times I just think it's interesting. I sometimes think I should've worked at one of those places where you send in surveys to....telling them what products you use, etc, would be fun to read that kind of stuff all day!
Anyway....for what it's worth here's what's on my lists......
Since I work at the library ...... I might as well start with some favorite books/authors
not in any particular order......
1. Tony Horwitz-read Confederates in the Attic and then read his other books. I love them all.I have recommended them and sent them to friends and family. I especially liked Blue Latitudes...Boldly Going Where Captain Cook Has Gone Before. All his books tell about people and places in a funny, offbeat way. He would be a great History teacher; telling you about historic events in an entertaining way.
2.Geraldine Brooks-( wife of Tony Horwitz...they would be great dinner guests!)I loved March and her most recent book People of the Book.
3.James Michener- any of his books...but I especially liked Hawaii and the Source. I really enjoyed all his books that I've read....I love the way he takes you through history and weaves the characters through the story.
4.Robert Ludlum- my brother- in- law Tony recommended The Bourne Identity to me back in the early 80's. What a great book!!!...not my usual type of book but I loved it. If you liked any of the Bourne the books....they are the kind that keep you up at night wanting to know what's going to happen next! (how many more pages?what time is it? should I just keep reading!?)(YES!)
5.Robert Fulgham
6.Bob Greene-(not the diet guy the other one)especially American Beat, Good Morning Merry Sunshine and Hang Time: Days and Dreams With Michael Jordan
7.William Least Heat- Moon- Blue Highways :a Journey Across America and River-Horse: Across America by Boat
8.Bill Bryson-A Walk in the Woods
9.Biographies.....I like biographies and autobiographies about sports figures, politicians, presidents,musicians...I just like them! a couple of favorites...John Quincy Adams: a Public Life, a Private Life by Paul Nagel
and Man of the House by Tip O'Neill with William Novak
10.Maeve Binchey- all of them...but a favorite is Evening Class

when I was younger..........
All the book by Luara Ingalls Wilder..... I LOVED them. (especially Little House on the Prairie and On the Banks of Plum Creek)
2. all the Betsy-Tacy and Tib books by Maud Hart Lovelace. I wanted to live on Hill Street!
3. the All-of-a-Kind Family books by Sydney Taylor
4. The Giant Golden Book of Elves and Fairies by Jane Werner illustrated by (my favorite!) *Garth Williams....I am pretty sure this book I recently found again is the one I checked out as often as they would let me when I was in about 3rd or 4th grade!
5.Charlotte's Web by E.B.White
6.The Happy Orpheline by Natalie Savage Carlson
7.The Wolves of Willoughby Chase by Joan Aiken....I didn't usually read mysteries...this one was great!
8.Mr. Pudgins by Ruth Christoffer Carlson and Margaret Bradfield...(maybe sometime I'll tell you about the animal circus we had in a neighbor's garage! Ha!)
9. any biography...but especially liked the ones about girls...Louisa May Alcott, Jane Addams, Annie Oakley come to mind!
10. poetry book ands books that Plum Pudding for Christmas by Virginia Kahl

*actually Garth Williams illustrated the Little House books, the Happy Orpheline books, Charlotte's Web and the Elves and Fairies books, I loved his illustrations as much as the books....never made that connection as a kid...but maybe it was the cover illustrations that got me!
Well....this is long enough......I'll tell you about my other lists another time! Next time Movies? Music? this is fun...................:)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Chocolate Easter bunny
In a jelly bean nest,
I'm saving you for very last
Because I love you best.
I'll only take a nibble
From the tip of your ear
And one bite from the other side
So that you won't look queer.
Yum, you're so delicious!
I didn't mean to eat
Your chocolate tail till Tuesday.
Oops! There go your feet!
I wonder how your back tastes
With all that chocolate hair.
I never thought your tummy
Was only filled with air!
Chocolate Easter bunny
In a jelly bean nest,
I'm saving you for very last
Because I love you best.
by Bobbi Katz
And Nip, Nip Nip it was gone gone gone just like that.
(a line from another book called Baby Blue Cat and the whole Batch of Cookies)
*and it wasn't full of air. Yum yum yum!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sunset Avenue

Yesterday afternoon was very stormy...lots of wind and rain and severve weather in the area...but here's what how the day ended! This is looking west from Sunset Ave looking down Pinetree Drive. It was beautiful.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


John and I had a nice Easter that began with sunrise service at Ocean Avenue in Melbourne Beach followed by the annual brunch get-together at the Spinos house. Every year we speculate on whether or not the brunch is going to everyone is getting older and it is quite an undertaking. But the party went on and we had a great time as usual. Let me start at the beginning.....

Last year we opted to go to Holy Name's mass because the priest from Immaculate Conception who does the mass in MB has many health issues, including problems with his eyesight. For several years now...he has used the same sermon every Easter.(he has it memorized and typed up in very large print just in case) I know he has issues...but it just bugged me that he couldn't come up with a new sermon! Well....we went to a different mass last year and it was nice...but there's something about going to MB, where the usual crowd is, and this year we decided to go back. Well...when it came time for the sermon...I could almost quote lines "as the sun rises over the beautiful Atlantic ocean......." and so on...but it really was nice this year. Father Nolan's voice sounded strong and though the message never is a good I guess I can live with it! Now...the mass at the beach is a bit like live never know for sure what is going to matter how carefully you have planned it...and this year was no exception. Sometimes it might be a loud bird in the nearby tree, or pesky wind, or the altar boy leaning too far back and falling onto the dune and then crawling back up to the platform that keeps troublemakers like me laughing no matter how hard I try to stay focused and serious! Well,this year did not dissappoint!
This year we had the random beach goer who ascended the stairs and realized he was walking right into the crowd assembled for the mass that had just started.(you could almost hear him thinking "oh no") As a coincidence the guy had shoulder length brown hair and a beard (no kidding!) I'm telling you if he'd been wearing a robe I would've sworn he was playing the part of Jesus in a live reenactment. As it was he was wearing a pair of blue baggies as he strolled through the crowd to his car? John and I looked at each other and chuckled. I was feeling a little guilty...but spotted some friends in the crowd who were obviously thinking the same thing judging by the grins on their faces. Other than that really was a nice mass...and I was glad we were there.

Afterwards we headed over to meet up with the group. All the old familiar faces were there....the Spinos and all their children, Mr. and Mr. Hogg, Stephanie and family, Kevin and his daughter,Mrs. Madden and some of her kids and grand kids, The Fiores, Strahles, Eckhoffs, etc. It was so nice to be around all these people who have known me all these was like being with my Mom and Dad again. Telling stories, etc like you do when you get together with old friends. As it turns out...Mrs. Spino was diagnosed with colon cancer late last year and has been going through some grueling chemo. She has been pretty sick, so there was some doubt as to whether or not the gathering was going to take place this year. After a couple of weeks break from the chemo, she was feeling better and even though the Dr. advised against it...she wanted to have the party. All her children were there to help (she is 83? Mr. Spino a year or two older)

and they all decided to go for it. It was a wonderful morning and Hank told John that even though they had worried about going ahead with it...seeing their mother so happy and enjoying herself with all the friends and family, they felt they had definitely made the right choice. Knowing this made the celebration a little bittersweet ,but also that much more special... It was

an opportunity to make the most of what time we do have. You could look at each family and find some challenge they were going through, but for this was a celebration of family, friends and faith.

(as I'm typing this I am listening to music...guess what's playing...Dave Matthews ...

"Celebrate we will........"

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Birthday fun

I told you last Wednesday about the plan we had to get my brother Mark on his 50th...but we didn't know exactly how it would all work out. Turns out Mark decided at the last minute to go fishing with John, Reid, Chandler and Ron on his birthday. When you go that far is a long day, so he wasn't likely to make it to LongDoggers to see the pictures. I knew he'd get in there sooner or later...and he did. Yesterday he was greeted by this sign....................... (I'm not sure if he noticed it before he got in and saw the photos on the tables.) Of course Al was there and he was making sure everyone knew what was going on. Mark was sitting in his usual spot at the counter with a photo in front of him and a big grin on his face.(from what I heard). When Mark came over later to our house for (another) a cookout(more tuna and mahi)...I asked about the photos...whether or not he had seen them. He smiled...looked at me and said"Actually, they were all sold out by the time I got there". Ha ha. It was nice to know he had enjoyed the fun. Little did he know....Ron was waiting for him to pie him in the face. (Ron makes sure everyone gets the pie treatment.....but.....he knows better than to get me!) Well we were all enjoying sushi that Chuck was making and all the other salads and dishes people had brought over. Reid and his family were over we sang Happy Birthday to Jordan, and Mark. Mark was getting ready to leave,while Ron was waiting by the door in the garage. John asked Mark to grab a beer from the fridge...he opened the door and BAM! In spite of the mess and the surprise...Mark was laughing and posed for the photo..... I think he was pleased to think we had made a big deal out of his birthday...because as I mentioned the other day...he's usually pretty low key. I am not sure who had more fun....Ron? or Mark!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Happy Easter! Happy Passover! Happy Spring!

Once upon a time and far far away I was actually in the choir at Our Lady of Lourdes Church. It was back when the whole informal, guitar mass was getting popular. We had fun...but as I said I was in the there is no telling what we sounded like! Ha! We did sing one song that I always liked and it was also one of my Uncle Dave's(my mother's twin brother) favorites. He mentioned one time that he would have the nuns sing it at his funeral mass if they'd let him...but he didn't think they would go for that idea. (he was the residing priest ( actually a monsignor) at the Mother of God Monastery in Springfield Massachusetts. Anyway here it is...

Lord of the Dance
I danced in the morning when the world was young
I danced for the moon and the stars and the sun
I came down from heaven and I danced on the earth
At Bethlehem I had my birth.

Dance, dance, wherever you may be
I am the lord of the dance said he
And I'll lead you all, wherever you may be
And I'll lead you all in the dance said he.

I danced for the scribes and the Pharisees
they would not dance and they wouldn't follow me
I danced for the fishermen James and John
They came with me so the dance went on.

I dance on the Sabbath, and I cured the lame
The holy people said it was a shame
They ripped, they stripped, they hung me high
Left me there on the cross to die

I danced on a Friday when the world turned black
It's hard to dance with the devil on your back
They buried my body, they thought I was gone
But I am the dance, and the dance goes on

They cut me down and I leapt up high
I am the life that will never, never die
I'll live in you if you'll live in me
I am the Lord of the dance, said he.

Tomorrow morning we will go to Sunrise mass on the beach at Ocean Ave in Melbourne Beach
and then over to the Spino's house for brunch as we have done for over 20 years. The first sunrise mass at the beach was when I was 16/17 years old...a few families and a priest friend all spent the night at a house down on the beach, that was a FUN! FUN time! The idea of the sunrise mass caught on and got bigger over the years..(.and more organized). Can't remember when the brunch started...but I do know I brought John there to introduce him to all our family it was at least 29/30 years ago. Brought the girls there as babies(Brenna is 24, Megan 21 now) and well, you get the idea. Year after year the group of friends gets together at Christmas for Potluck dinner, Easter for Brunch(and they get together without all the kids, grand kids, etc...throughout the year) and it is always a pleasure to see everyone. It is sad to go without Mon and Dad, and others who have passed away over the years, but it is always a nice morning....good food, good stories and a place where I truly feel "at home". These people have watched me grow up and have all shared the the ups and downs in life. Lot and lots of good times and laughs over the years! So, at least for one more year we'll be there . (The only thing that would make it better....would be having Brenna and Megan and all my sisters there too...oh well.)
Happy Easter! Happy Passover! Happy Spring!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter bunnies

Guess what I saw hopping around my front yard this morning...a rabbit. He looked just like the ones in the picture (minus the clothes and accessories) haha. I was glad the dogs didn't see it!

Maybe I'll find some eggs?????

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easy Storytime/Party treats

Here's what we had a Storytime today.(and every other holiday recently.) It's simple. A Rice Krispie treat, a spoonful of frosting and sprinkles. Not TOO sweet,,,but easy and fun to spread the frosting...I give the kids a little plastic knife, dab of frosting and a little pile or cup of sprinkles. (I have sprinkles for every season/holiday in my pantry...they last a long time.)
We also made Easter Bunny bags. The kids glued on the pink ears, eyes and nose and pink pompom on back for the tail. Then you glue the ear tips together for handles.
My mother always had some kind of treat for us on holidays...nothing too fancy...maybe even just a cookie or some type of candy...but it was something special for a special day.So I always have to do something for the kids...just because.......

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Tomorrow my brother Mark is turning 50! Mark is kind of a quiet guy...he keeps to no big party plans for him. (unless he's having one and I'm not invited!) haha Anyway, we had to do we are going to play a little joke on him. Back in Jr high when the school pictures came out several girls were asking my brothers for their pictures. I think it was David who came up with the idea to sell the pictures to the girls. If they wanted one, they'd have to give him a quarter. (might as well make a little money) Anyway he and Mark both sold their pictures. (no packets full of pictures of thoses two lying around gathering dust) (haha) I was telling Al & Misty this story a while back and Al told me to bring in one of Mark's pictures. He was going to tell Mark he had bought it on E-Bay ,for a quarter, from some girl that went to Hoover Jr. High. Well we never did that...but we all decided Mark's 50th birthday was a perfect time to bring out copies of his 7th? or 8th/ grade photo (from my photo album) along with a current photo , put one of each on the tables at LongDoggers with a caption that says 25c (Jr high side) or Free! (current photo). We'll see how long it takes Mark to realize his photos are on display. Al is going toput Happy Birthday up on the marquee too.( ME, I went for the big party on my 50th.........)
Anyway...other birthdays this week , (or close enough)are my friend's son, Eric, my brother-in-law Rob (6?),other brother-in-law Tony (5?), Kiena (the dog) (9), John's goddaughter Jordan.
Too bad none of them are having a party! (We need to dance!)
Like Dave Matthews says in one verse of his song
Celebrate we will
because life is short but sweet for certain
We're climbing two by two
to be sure these days continue
These things we cannot change

Monday, April 6, 2009

Southern Living Dinners

I meet with a group of women friends once a month for dinner. I joined the group about 7(?) years ago...hard to believe...but it's true. We all pick a recipe from the current issue of SL and we have one person who coordinates the menu so we get a nice mix. It's a great way to try new recipes and things that I for one would never have thought about making. It's kind of fun to get the magazine and start thinking about my to 2-3 choices. One week before we meet we call in our top choices and and if Ellen (in charge) or Kathy doesn't call know you got your first choice. I never used to try any recipes...or very few...until I joined the group. Now I know what I was missing all those years that I got the magazine and read it and forgot about it. Ha!
We go to a different house each month, the hostess provides drinks, and tableware of course. It can be anything from paper plates to fine china...whatever the hostess wants to do...which also makes it fun. After we eat we have a ballot and we rate the recipes (not the cook). 5 for the best, definitely would make it again,down to 1. Incidentally, one poor gal made some Blue cheese roll-up things one time (her first ever time coming) and they got pretty much all 1's. Fortunately we all have a good sense of humor and she understood it wasn't her we were rating...and she came back! we have plenty of duds and lots of tasty's a lot of fun. One group meets during the day (while the kids are in school) usually 11:30-2:00. Those of us who returned to work started a new evening group...we meet on Sat evening once a month. It's "girls" husbands (some exceptions) and it really has been a lot of fun. Last Saturday we had a fine time as usual lots and lots of laughs and good food.
Speaking of food...we went to LongDoggers last night and since they were a little slow, Al agreed to have the cook sear up some of our tuna. All the guys who caught the fish were there , reveling in the moment and as usual we saw many other friends already there, or they arrived during the 2 1/2 hrs (not 21!)we were there.Lots of fish stories and photos going around. A good time and lots of tuna was had by all. Everyone got some.... It was funny when a group of 6 older people came in and heard us talking about seared tuna...and our friend/waitress Misty brought out a heaping platter of of the women looked over and said 'Wow, is that the tuna appetizer?!" I nicely told her that Al was doing us a favor by cooking our tuna...but they did indeed have a nice tuna appetizer on the menu...just not quite as big or Fresh as ours.
Needless to one around here is going hungry!

And last but not least......because I's my poem for the day

A Prayer for Spring
by Robert Frost
Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers today;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
all simply in the springing of the year.
Oh give us pleasure in the orchard white,
Like nothing else by day, like ghosts at night;
and make us happy in the happy bees,
The swarm dilating round the perfect trees.
And make us happy in the darting bird
That suddenly above the bees is heard,
The meteor that thrusts in with needle bill,
And off a blossom in mid air stands still.
For this is love and nothing else is love,
The which is reserved for God above
To sanctify to what far ends he will,
But which it only needs that we fulfill.
Have a great Monday!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Quite a Catch

John says yesterday was his best day ever fishing. Upon further review...... most of the tuna were actually in the 50lb range (you know's always bigger when you tell the story)

But they were all pretty big and the was at least one 60lbs. Mark, Ron and John spent 5 hours cleaning them all and then everyone went homw with a LARGE cooler full of tuna steaks, (When you sear a filet and dip it in soy sauce it really does taste like filet mignon!).Here are a couple of photos.

On the next post I will tell you about the Southern Living dinner I went to last night. We meet once a month and each person chooses a recipe from the current magazine. More later...right now we have to go torment Al at LongDoggers (he and my brother Mark have an on-going competition over who is the best fisherman). LongDoggers is a restaurant that is kind of the the local bar in Cheers (TV show) (all the always know someone there...if not mostly everyone)and if we are lucky we will get the cooks to sear up some fresh tuna for us! (we always make sure all the cooks,waitresses get some it's not hard to convince them!)