Wednesday, February 26, 2014

First big catch this year!

John, Reid and Chandler starting to unload the cooler on the boat
John decided to let Chandler pass them down to him...because some of them were too heavy
lots of fish...they just kept coming
They got mostly Wahoo and Mahi. Caught their limit of Wahoo and then a bunch Mahi and a couple of Snappers and Groupers. Here's one of the biggest ones....there were a lot of fish to clean...after the pictures of course.
              First they had to line them all up...moving fast so they wouldn't get too warm...Ben was taking pictures...I think his were better than some of mine...(notice the heads cut off...hahah)
Then....the cleaning began. Ron and Chandler got started and then Ben helped out.  John did a couple...but mostly supervised and portioned it out in bags.
They cleaned fish for about 4 hours...during that time many people stopped by to check things out. Mike R. came by to trade lobster and crab for Wahoo. He stepped in to clean a couple too, I believe. They finished right around sunset.
The plan was to get together again on Friday evening for Happy Hour and lots of fish appetizers. John told everyone..."Just Fish...and whatever you bring to drink." Word got out and Friday night we had about 35 people over. We might've had even more...except we had a thunderstorm right around the time we had planned to start. Some people who had hoped to come...opted out...didn't want to drive up and get rained out. Actually we lucked out...the rain moved through our part of town relatively quickly...cooled things off and cleaning up the back area where they had cleaned all the fish....and then moved out. We had seared and grilled fish and some sushi. Mike brought some of his "famous" lobster and artichoke dip, Ben made some poki and we had an assortment of other salads and chips...plenty of food and drink for everyone...and lots of leftovers too...(not the hot dip though !)
Getting started
There was only one "person" who over did know the one that gets a little carried away and over indulges....and that was none other than.....
She was making the rounds...eating anything that dropped and getting into areas that I don't usually let her go...for that very reason. She knew we weren't really paying attention...and she took advantage...hahah. At one point our friend Teresa came up to me and said."Is Kiena supposed to be eating that bag of fish?' Apparently John had set it down for a minute, got distracted, and Kiena moved in "for the kill". She was helping herself to big chunks of Wahoo when Teresa spotted her. John got it away from her and she acted like all was normal...hahah. I figured she would be throwing up all night...but surprisingly she was not. She did however need to make a few extra trips to the back yard the next day...hahah
 All in all it was a fun time that we all enjoyed (especially Kiena!). The guys sold some fish, gave some to our neighbors and friends...and we ate well at the party. It was great.
After a slow fishing season last year...things are off to a good start in 2014! Hope this continues!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Here's to 32 Years!

Tomorrow is our I had to dig out some old photos (how do you like my sheepish grin...)
John's family...all those little ones have their own kids a matter of fact I'm working on planning a get together with this whole gang.
The weather has been beautiful here the last few days...just like it was 2/20/82..I think the Priest's trailer in the background adds a nice touch doesn't it...hahah
I miss these two
 Karen and I....this is probably the best picture of my was very simple
Linda and my godmother Pat...who recently passed away
I still remember how nice it was that afternoon...relaxing and celebrating out on my parent's back porch
but looking at these pictures also reminded me that too many of these family members and friends are no longer here with made me feel a little sentimental
Who needs a photo booth! hahah The Burtons have been dressing up and having fun at parties for a long time! I am pretty sure David was the instigator here. (the stuffed animal makes it don't you think...hahah)
After the wedding we were off to San Fransisco...we stayed a couple of nights at Mike and Kathy K's place
I had a lot more hair then...hahah this was at our next stop...Lake Tahoe.
It's kind of hard to believe it's been 32 years. some longer than others...hahah but we're still hanging in there...taking things one day at a time and enjoying the journey. Life has been good.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Weekend get-togethers

Martha and Tony were in town for a quick visit this past weekend.( They were in Miami for a meeting, stopped here and now are off to see Ian and Tara.) We always look forward to time with them even if it's just for a couple of days.
There is usually a game (two) of golf at some point during a visit with them. I took Friday off so we met them at Aquarina as they made their way up from Miami.
I am happy to report that I now own a real pair of golf shoes (formerly Elizabeth's- thank you very much), my clubs have all new grips on no black hands...hahah. I have a skirt and a "real" golf's almost as though I really golf...hahah. unlike our trip to Naples a few years ago.) Bought the new visor at the clubhouse before we happened to be a perfect match for my shirt.
we didn't see any snakes or alligators

I haven't played in quite a I didn't know how I would do...but I wasn't too bad. I got better when I started using Martha's driver...I actually got two pars ...I had a chance for birdie on both...but my putting isn't that great without some practice. Basically I did fine on the drives...okay on the putting...and not too terrible on the in between shots...although I had trouble figuring out what direction I was going when I lined up my shots. If not for Tony and John getting mt straightened out... I may have been terrorizing  the wildlife all afternoon.
Friday night we met up with David and Bridget, Josh and Brenna for a birthday dinner at Villa Palma. Naturally David knew at least one person in each party that was in there while we were eating. I did find it interesting to note not just that  that he knew them...but they ALL seemed to know each is a real local spot with a lot of regulars.

After dinner we went back to our house to chat, have birthday cake and take a couple of pictures...of course.

Saturday John, Martha and Tony golfed again and I got things ready for our planned cook-out that evening.
Poor Brenna wasn't feeling too well after determining that the sauce her meat came with contained mushrooms...which do not agree with her. She was sick all day. (Josh and John who got part of it were she looked to see what the sauce is typically made of and found out why she was sick)
The rest of the gang joined us for dinner. David and Bridget were off to another party/fundraiser, so we didn't see them; but Mark, Paul and Tracy joined us. Josh put in an appearance and got a plate to go.
We had to take a quick picture before Mark had to go home and nap before heading to work 3rd shift...Tony tried...hahah...then Martha suggested that John might be a better choice as photographer
I think she was right...hahah
*In all fairness to camera is pretty easy...but sometimes it does kind of have a mind of it's can be getting ready to frame a shot and all of the sudden it just takes a picture!
And then...just like that they were off to NC and things are back to normal here. We did make some tentative plans for our next Burton get together.....threw a few ideas out... so we shall see.

Monday, February 3, 2014

For the Record....

Just saw the official race results...
Seriously I am probably the least competitive person out there...mostly I just want to have fun but occasionally I can't help myself...
For the record...the two people who ran to cross the finish line before me might have crossed it first...but I still beat them! hahah
I was 129th overall (out of 332- I think) they were 130 &; 131.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

A kind of strange week and a 5K

                          January was a good month for dramatic sunsets....lots of color in the skies.
You can usually tell when it's going to be a good one...and when that happens I try to keep an eye towards the sky.
Recently we have record highs, followed by record lows....and this week we had a PERFECT day on Tuesday...high around 68, no wind, barely any clouds...just a beautiful day. I mentioned that on Face book for all my friends and family up in the snow covered areas....and  I guess I'll know better next time...hahah because the rain started Tuesday night and didn't stop for 2 1/2 days. I'm talking constant rain...unusual for us....even the dog gave up and finally went out in the rain! One patron at the library told us his rain gauge registered 5 inches! Usually it rains then an hour later the sun is out...but this rain just kept coming! People around here start moping around a bit when there is no sun out for 2 days in a row...hahah...and I am definitely one of that group!

Thank goodness it finally stopped yesterday around 2-2:30 pm. I was just getting off work. People and dogs were everywhere...finally able to take a good walk! The road was full of new potholes...and standing couldn't drain faster than the rain that came down We needed some rain...but enough is enough!
Luckily the system moved out because this is a big weekend around here. The Melbourne Music Marathon is tomorrow and today there was an 8K, a 5K, a kids race and a Mascot race...all parts of the same big weekend event.
Publix sponsored the 5K that Brenna , Josh and I participated in. I like the 5Ks because they are "walker" friendly. I am not a runner...but I can walk pretty fast!
We woke up to a kind of muggy, foggy morning. The fog was thick! wasn't raining and it wasn't too it was a good day for a 5K.

We arrived at Front Street early to catch the end of the 8K race...and to warm up and watch people.( Just after the end of the 8K...the 5K started.)...and in my case take a few goofy pictures for the blog...hahah
The Color the Causeway For a Cure  event was one of many Marathon related activities going on today.
Josh and Brenna ready to go
                                  The Patrick Air Force Base Shark mascot was on hand
the mascots facing off with one another for the fun of it
The Viera High School Hawk, the Pizza guy, UCF Knight, EFSC( formerly BCC) Titan. There were school and business mascots entered...FIT Panther, Melbourne Manatee (minor league team),Dunkin Donuts Cup of Coffee (with skinny legs...hahah), Donut, and other area businesses.

The race started....and we set off into the fog....which is always kind of cool I's like you're walking in the clouds.  There were musical groups stationed along the way...playing a variety of music for the runners/walkers. I decided I was just going to running this race...and see how I would do. I felt shortness of breath going up or down the bridge (I realize that sounds kind of pitiful...but it's FLAT around here...the bridges are the only "hills" for us)...just slow and steady. As usual I had the run/walkers who didn't like the fact that a "walker" aka "me" kept passing them up. Some would jog every time I approached...a few just gave up...haha and one couple who I left pretty far behind...came jogging up right at the finish like they were racing me neck and neck....ha...I know I could have easily beat them by jogging in the last bit...but decided I was going to just walk and honestly be able to say my time was based on how long it to me to walk the course. Maybe they felt better just passing me at the finish line...but I don't think they fooled anyone...hahah I ended up 11th in my age bracket.
The race ended and right about that time the fog began to lift and the sun broke through. It was kind of nice.

We enjoyed some snacks afterwards while we waited to check our race times.
 (Anne-41:45.5; Brenna-44:48.6; Josh 44:49.1)
They had donut holes (too jelly favorite!) bananas, oranges, water, and lots and lots of pizza...which I had no interest in eating at 9:15am...but plenty of others seemed to be enjoying it.
Later on I headed to Publix to pick up some supplies for Super Bowl Sunday.....basically John "volunteered" me to go get what we need. Charlie and Gayle are having it at their house...but John's doing the cooking. was like a holiday weekend in the d$#@ parking everywhere...circling around to grab a spot...the whole lot was completely packed....not my favorite time to go shopping! I went up and down a few rows before I managed to find an open spot. Inside it wasn't terrible...mainly because I didn't need anything at the Deli...that counter had a mob of people waiting in line.....bypassed them and went straight to the produce thank goodness...otherwise it would have taken at least a 1/2 hour; I'm guessing...based on the lines. Saw a few friends in the store, got my supplies and went on my way;.had to improvise a little since some shelves were running low and I didn't feel like waiting for someone to make a trip to the back and then restock. I got what I needed...if not always my first choice (of brand,cut of meat, etc) and I survived the trip...hahah
Tonight just relaxing after a good day. Tomorrow I can sleep in and then prepare my Apple/Cherry Crisp.( I made it for Bunco last week and it was good! I'm ready for some more!) Then I will have to decide who to root for....I won't know till the game starts.  I'm not really a fan of either team in the game... but I think it's got potential to be a good game. Ellen likes the Broncos...because of their colors...hahah- (I have been known to choose a team based on uniform color, mascot...hahah so I can relate) Brenna happened to be in Seattle one year and got to go see the Seahawks play one of their best games ever...had fun in the she's leaning towards them....who knows....Mark's been working in Denver a lot the last year or two...Broncos for him.....we''l see...I may just root for the right score for John to win the pool! hahaha