Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter!

Earlier this week the sky was clear and the moon was setting as the sun came up
 This morning we got up EARLY (for me anyway). Had to get up at 5:30am to make it to sunrise mass at 6:30am. Luckily it was right down the I could wait until the last possible minute to be out the door.
For once it was me...convincing get up and go. (he is a little sore from fishing yesterday...coming in against the wind was tough!)
 We went to Holy Name's was nice. The regular priest was there...also a seminarian who is going to be ordained May 25th. He gave a nice sermon...
The regular priest joked  "No pressure...Easter sunrise mass with thousands of people in attendance")
It is a beautiful day...a little chilly to start...but it's warming up nicely. Blue skies...nice sunrise. The usual flyover by a few planes and one comes by every year with JESUS SAVES painted on the bottom of his wings.
 I didn't take any pictures at the beach or at the brunch that followed at the Hogg's house. As they called it "The Hank and Tracy Spino Memorial Brunch". I just snapped a few pictures of my flowers in my yard...not too many yet...but I have my regulars...haha
 Brunch was great as usual...all the family friends who have been getting together for MANY years...We started the sunrise mass tradition back when I was in High School...a small group of my parents and their friends...we had our own, with one of our priest friends. Over the years the church had their mass...and I don't remember when exactly the brunch afterwards started...but it's been at least 30 years. It's always nice to feel like part of the gang again.
 This year there was lots of discussion about our daughter Megan's wedding this May. Everyone wanted to hear about the plans...and offer congratulations. My parent's friends of course have children and they've been through this stage of life. ...but everyone was excited for us.
 We ate and talked...the young kids had their Easter egg hunt....with the now older kids assisting. It was fun.
                         The youngest child this year was Beth Spino's grandson...2 1/2  weeks old!

 After we got home...we took a nice bike ride....and I'm sure at some point today I'll be taking a nap! :)
                              Happy Easter! 42 days and counting till Megan and Marcus's big day!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring weather

The weather here has been really nice. We've had a few late cold fronts moving through...keeping the weather perfect. I've been taking my usual walk or bike ride everyday...and lately John has been going along with me. Some evenings I meet up with Karen for a short walk down to the river front park in Indialantic. Tonight it was windy and pretty chilly...but also clear and the moon is almost full. A good night for a walk.
 I tried to take a couple of pictures right at sunset...but I didn't have the setting right. But...I kind of like the way the lights on the causeway  look.

Lots of birds are around these days. I  have spotted the usual woodpeckers, doves and mockingbirds recently. This morning a heard, then saw a cardinal. I have my spring "flag" out...and just above where it sits...
                         a mockingbird is building a nest. We can watch it through the front window.

                                    I never realized what a messy job it is to build a  nest.
                         The birds are making progress.
             Now I just have to stay clear of Mama she doesn't attack me when I come out the door.
Today she was packing in the bottom of the nest. We'd look out and see her tail feathers sticking up in 
                        the  air....then she'd be off again in search of more building supplies..
We also   have to be on the look out for the neighborhood cat that is always lurking around here....can't let it get to the babies!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Mug malfunction

 So this is how my day started. I selected a mug, filled it up and was all ready to go. When I picked it up off the counter all of the sudden the only thing left in my hand was the handle....I guess we have banged it one too many times or something. I've never experienced anything like this...haha. Thank goodness it fell onto the edge of the it cracked but did not shatter into a million pieces.
 Coffee went flying....a few chips of the mug...but not too bad all in all. Of course in the coming days  I will probably find coffee stains in places I never thought to look....
it's also a good thing that I am off today...I can only imagine if I had been running around trying to get ready AND clean up the mess.
We got some much needed rain this's been awhile. I don't like gray skies...but the rain is good. I had arranged to go read to Amy's class today...and what better day for it than a rainy morning with no recess. Her class is pretty well behaved (as far as I can tell from my visits ...that is...haha) They seem receptive to just about anything I I had a variety of books in my bag today.
Janet Stevens and her sister Susan wrote this book. I love the illustrations in Janet Stevens' books...

like this close up of the dog's face.....when he's tired of naps...hahah
Find a Cow Now! was about a restless herding dog...with nothing to herd...and he was driving the other house pet...a bird...crazy. The bird tells the dog to go find a cow! He finds lots of animals...finally finds a cow...and herds it...but not exactly the way you might expect. Silly...but cute.
An old favorite by Leo Lionni. I probably have  mentioned this one before. Three frog finds an egg. The "Know-it-all" Marilyn (who has never seen a chicken) decides it is a chicken's egg. I love Leo Lionni's stories...cute little tales that teach a subtle lesson.
I'm not sure if this is a new book at our library...but I know I have never seen it before. The illustrations caught my attention.
when 999 tadpoles turn into father frog puts it "We have a situation." Cute story about the dangers in the world for frogs...and how they manage to make it to their new home. The kids liked this one.
Farmer tries unsuccessfully to outsmart the rabbits.

And lastly a St. Patrick's Day story...with a good message about figuring out what's really important. Winning the contest....or giving it up to help someone in need......and a cute leprechaun too.
As I said...a gloomy morning...turned out to be not so bad...because I had something fun to do. It's always nice to go read and watch the kids enjoying the stories... and watching their teacher enjoying a few minutes for a break...haha And my day is about to get even better...because I am heading out for a massage in a few minutes..... Happy Tuesday!

Monday, March 4, 2013

For my next party... it won't be anytime in the near future...since we have the wedding coming up and then my nephew's wedding in August...but I have plans for my next party. Ever since I read The Paris Wife and saw the movie Midnight in Paris last year; I have have wanting to have a "Roaring Twenties" party. I have seen dresses here and there that would work great for the theme,  but most were too expensive and I didn't want to spend too much money on a costume. Well...yesterday when I was at the mall allegedly looking for a necklace to match the dress I'm wearing to the wedding. I didn't really see anything I couldn't live without...and then came  my last stop of the day...the Petite Department of Dillard's. I spotted a dress too perfect to pass up...and the fact that it was on the 65% off rack...I had to try it on. Now I can't imagine this dress for anything other than a costume party...maybe that's why it was on super clearance...but I had to get it. I felt compelled to explain WHY I was buying the dress...because it was kind of  embarrassing to be seen buying it...haha.( Kind of like when I bought my dress for our White Trash Bowling Bash. )
The clerk thought it was perfect for a flapper costume. It's dark pink with tiers of  ruffles...with a row or two of black ruffles on the bottom. The straps...about 1 inch...are covered with "jewels"....

All I'll need is a headpiece and a wig...and I'm ready! I saw an ad for a remake of The Great Gatsby...which got me thinking...
 I told John I was ready for my next party....he looked at me and said "Your next party? We have a wedding in May...that's your next party." Reminds me of myself getting nervous when he is planning our next trip when we are still  driving home from a trip! haha
I assured him I was in no rush...but sometime this year...I am going to have this party....just wait.