Monday, May 31, 2010

It's Memorial day and I must admit I am enjoying the day off...but it kind of makes me cringe when people say "Happy Memorial Day".....because it's not really a day I think about celebrating. Remebering...maybe...remembering those who lost their lives in wars, or are serving or have served. My mother lost a brother and a cousin in World War II.....and hated the idea of war. My dad and John's dad were among the lucky who went to war...but came home. My mother told my brother she would drive him to Canada herself if she had to during the Vietnam War..fortunately she didn't...but we knew how she felt. When Mark later joined the Navy...she supported him...but when he left for Lebanon (in the 80's) I know she feared the worst. Again , he was lucky, he served his time and came home unscathed. When my nephew did his two tours in Iraq...we all held our breath and prayed he would be okay. It was a tough transition (I think...he didn't say much) back to "normal" but he survived and is fine and doing really well....but he's out. I know many people who have been to war...or have children in the service...and certainly there are positive things that can come from it...but I am thankful that my children did not have to/want to go. I hope that we can get everyone out of Iraq and Afghanistan sooner rather than later...and I'll spare you my usual rant and leave it at that.
Back before Vietnam and Iraq...and whatever else in between...the annual Memorial Celebration in Bethel Park PA...was or seemed to be about "old" the Civil War......not wars that had anything to do with anyone I knew....but I was a kid. To was the annual parade that wound up at the local cemetery...where there were speeches and...more importantly to us dogs and free soda! I remember drinking more than my share of Cream Soda....and loving it! This photo is of my sister Martha and I on Memorial Day in 1963? 64?....somehow I got chosen to hold the flag and I was SO excited and proud of myself! Martha got to hold the troop flag and we were off! I remember running around, drinking soda and enjoying being in the crowd of all my friends, family and schoolmates. when we first moved to Florida in the late 60's...the schools here didn't even get the day off...something which kind of annoyed my mother. as a matter of year she even let us TAKE THE DAY OFF from school...and she and my Dad took us to Disney World. I remember this because A. my mother never let us take a day off...unless we were sick or something and B. this was back in the early years at Disney...when during the school the middle of the could go to Disney World and hardly anyone else would be there. So... on that one particular day...I remember walking down the street in Frontier land (near the Haunted Mansion and Hall of Presidents and other than our family and the Fife and Drum Band marching by...we were the ONLY ones on the street! That has never/will never happen again!
When the girls were little (Megan a baby...Brenna about 4) we went to Fort Wilderness with a group of friends over the Memorial Day weekend...with fond memories of that trip my family had taken... but times had changed...IT WAS PACKED! We all went to the Magic Kingdom...walked in and Main Street was jam packed with people...and John looked at me and said "It is worth $100.00 to me to leave right now!" Not wanting to go through the park with a disgruntled husband and two small children in tow...I turned around with him and we left! (Back to the campground...where it was actually kind of quiet...and we did have fun.) (I'm not sure why we didn't try to get a refund.) So we spent $50.00 (or so ) a piece to walk in...halfway down Main Street and then back out. Ahhhh...such fond memories! hahahaha Today...John and I put on red,white and blue and went to LongDoggers where else and had a hot dog (him) and a hamburger (me) and that was the extent of our "hoilday". Again it was a nice day off....and I did take a minute to remember my Uncle Howard and my mother's cousin Ray and all the others..and I am grateful for their service.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday Night Concert

When I was younger...I didn't really go to too many concerts... I couldn't handle the mob/ I just didn't really go too often. But now...I'm older and so are a lot of the band members and bands I have always enjoyed listening when they have shows at these smaller venues it's perfect! The latest was The Psychedelic Furs and a newer band,,,She Wants Revenge. It was great!
My brother...always on top of things like tickets as soon as they came out,,,and we got to reserve a booth so we could actually sit down. David's was front and center of course but our friend a great booth on the side of the stage

There was no backstage entrance/ the bands went backstage right next to our booth...I felt like a groupie...getting all excited as the bands went by surrounded by Security guys
our booth...can you tell that Heather was excited!

David, Bridget, Denise & Mike
The band on stage. The opening act.was She Wants Revenge was really good. The lead singer has a great voice and just moves on stage with a cool fluid movements...hard to explain...but just really can see he is into the music...but not exaggerated..just smooth, easy...(several people commented on this...which I also found interesting)
Richard Butler...lead singer of the Psychedelic Furs.. We had a lot of fun all night. We met up with our usual group of friends...but saw many others too...our neighbors Scott and Tracy, LJ & Laurie and their table, Steve & Twila, Randy, Roland, Destin, Todd from WFIT, Anthony, Todd P....and a few moms from they were surprised to see me there! hahaha And of course Joni O. and I who both leaned in at the same time and bonked heads....the 2 glasses of champagne and one glass of wine might have been a factor! We both cracked up! Can't wait for the next event...Heather and I have it all figured out...she knows the guy who produced the event...we have to get him to do a Retro 80's night...(alternative 80's) so we can go out dancing to music We LIKE! sometime! We'll see

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Friends celebrating

I mentioned Megan was home for the weekend to attend a friend's wedding. She has been friends with Chelsea since elementary school...and she enjoyed getting together with some of the girls she's been friends with since about 2nd grade. Like...Erika here with Megan and John on a trip to Fort Wilderness
or when Allison, Megan and Chelsea(?)(and Peyton) were in a group chosen to be part of the "World's Largest Chorus" or something like that over at EPCOT. ( Allison 3rd from left and Megan on bottom right)
or at Megan's (American Girl) 50's Bowling Birthday party.
Allison and Megan at one of our back yard "carnival" parties.
A.,A.,A.,C.,G.,L.& Megan at 6th grade graduation doesn't seem that long ago!
and the now college graduates...Allison in Pharmacy program at UF, Erika just graduated from Clemson University..(with a degree in Recreation...just like me:)!) off to Honduras to work on a Divemasters (?) program and Megan ( currently one semester away from getting her Masters at George Mason University) all enjoying a little break between school and work and real life! hahha
A., Chelsea, Megan and Erika

Megan all ready to go. The wedding was in the evening...ouside at the Hilton on the beach. Thank goodness all the love bugs had temporarily moved out...because Chelsea's mom was a nervous wreck wondering if her daughter was going to walk down the aisle in a swarm of love bugs!...Happy to report they were all gone for the time being...Megan really enjoyed seeing all her old friends again...during college their breaks didn't always fall at the same time....or one was here one was this was the first time in 2-4 years that she was together with the girls. They all are happy and looking forward to what's next...enjoying the summer/weeks off before reality sets in...haha I enjoyed seeing them all too!

Shuttle landing!

I am so excited....for the first time ever I got to watch the shuttle as it made it's way back to land at the Cape! we've seen it carried back on the Boeing jet Depending on the route it's can always hear the sonic boom (like a double boom from a large firework) BOOM BOOM....but I have never been able to SEE it....until today. it figures...there are only two launches left! But it was so exciting!...I looked out into the clear blue sky and I heard the booms and then I spotted it off in the distance....I knew it was the Shuttle because (for obvious reasons there wasn't going to be any other air traffic in the area!) It was heading north towards the cape then it looped around to the south...for a few minutes I thought hoped that maybe it was going to come directly over my house...hahaha...which it did not....but it was so cool! You will have to use your imagination to understand how exciting it was to see this little tiny thing off in the distance in my photo...hahaha...but it's there!
An it was really really cool...for lack of a better word!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

home again, home again

One of Megan's friends got married this past Megan flew in for the weekend so she could attend. School is out, and even though Megan just started a new job (summer position)...she has had the ticket since the trip was still on. First order of business say hi to Kiena and then...lay in the sun to get a little color.
Even when she was in Florida, Megan was not one to lie in the sun...but she lathered on the sunscreen and gave it a go.....
There were a few requests...a trip to the Blueberry Muffin for breakfast, a chocolate chip bagel from Corey's Bagels, some fresh fish (no problem!),a roast (sorry never got that...ran out of days)and a trip to Disney World......"but of course I can go with you to Disney World!!"She had a few relaxing days, spent time with some friends...(all of whom are either recently graduated and back in town before starting new jobs,in between semesters, getting ready for internships, grad school or________.) She went to the Longdoggers,to Disney with me, the wedding, Sebastian Inlet...and then I dropped her off in Orlando this morning for her flight home :(... However we will see her again in 3 weeks when we head up to the Boardwalk art Show in Virginia Beach. More photos tomorrow...right now...I'm off to dreamland....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Where do they come from....????????? I checked the current moon and it's definitely NOT full... it's a waning case you're interested so that's not it...but the crazy people were definitely coming out of the wood work today!
I arrived at work just as the library was it's walk in, put your stuff down and jump right in! First customer was regular patron...who likes to read and is...shall we say...a little demanding. I realized one of our volunteers was helping at the desk and she's never encountered said patron before and was looking a little I jumped in to rescue her from KG, This lady puts many books on reserve and that's good for our business....but she just has a way of making you feel like you should be doing more...FOR HER! She's always in a the dog was in the car...but while the volunteer was doing her best to look up her card number because even though she's in the library at least 3-4 times a week...she isn't willing to spend $1.00 (!) for a replacement card she was busy rattling off numbers...only causing the voluterr to get more confused....oh well enough about her!
Next I had a nice couple new to the them cards..sent them on their way...things were looking up...but then.....
next woman comes up to the desk and tells me she needs to renew her book. I told her I'd be happy to do that as long as no one else was waiting for's how the conversation went.....
ME-As long as no one's waiting for it we can renew it for a week.
HER-Well they can't have it...I'm not done with it.
Me- (smiling) Well I need to check....
HER- Oh trust one wants it.
**I suggested that sometimes we check to see if there are any holds...if there are the patron can just keep it and pay the overdue fees...oh no no no....that wasn't going to happen.
Luckily no one else was waiting...we got it renewed...then
HER- Oh I just remembered I got a call yesterday that I had a book in that I requested...I can't remember what the hell I wanted"
ME- Oh no problem....I'll look it up. (I looked....nothing on reserve...which means it probably was sent back.)
Me- Let me check paperwork down at reference in case we sent it back...(found the paper...called her on the 6th...sent it back on the 10th.)
Me- I'm sorry ma'am but it looks like we called you on the 6th
Her-No I got the call yesterday
Me- Well there's a note here on the paperwork....(for this very reason.)..I didn't say that!
Her-interrupting me..."I don't care what that says...I got the call yesterday"
I offered to reserve it again...she declined the offer and thankfully...went on her way.

NEXT..........I notice Irma down in Reference talking to a man...shaking her thing we know he's walking into the staff area talking to our volunteer Jack...who had JUST walked in. as Jack put it...I saw this guy motioning to me and sort of waving...I thought he knew me from somewhere.
Iram was behind him...told him he could not go back there...he was okay with that...then
HIM- Listen...I just need to get an email address from someone...I have the solution to the problem in the Gulf of Mexico...and I have it typed up ready to send to the White House...but I need a return address.
ME-"Well you can't have anything sent to the's against the policy.
HIM- Oh I know...I could use your email address....
***I have never laid eyes on this guy before this...I don't think so!
Me- Sorry I don't have one you can use
Him- without batting an eye..."Well, Let me ask her" and he moved on to Heather.
ME- Can't you open an account online?
Irma- really can't go around asking everyone in the library..
He did leave...and got back on the computer...don't know if he sent the email...But if you hear about a new miracle could be from our friend in Melbourne Beach!
The day did get better from then on...TG! I was starting to get nervous...this was all in the first 20 minutes!
We did have the usual questions....... I'm looking for a's red.....I moving...I need to cancel my card and get all the info out of your computer system....OK that's a new one...except then she didn't have her card number? Hard to cancel it if we don't know who you are! Nancy suggested that she come in with an ID.
A book returned with a little blob of sunscreen and a pile of sand in it....first I thought it was frosting and ants,,,,hahaha. Ahh...I love my job!

Sunday, May 9, 2010


It's graduation time again and this year we have several friends/relatives who will be or already have graduated. John's god daughter graduates next week. (Next year she'll attend BCC.) Our nephew graduates later this month...don't think he's made his final decision...but maybe he has... One of Megan's friends, Claudia, whose parents have been so kind to Megan, graduated Saturday from Emory University. (so did Arielle)
Mikayla D pictured here with Pat T. ,her mom & I...was the youngest graduate from Florida Tech..or FIT as I still think of it. Mikayla graduated with a 4.0 and is waiting to find out where she'll go to medical school. She's 20 years old. The president of the university made it a point to acknowledge her at the ceremony Friday night.
Caitlin and her friend Aaron...along with several other kids Megan went to High School with graduated last Saturday from UF. Her parents had a little get together for her yesterday. Caitlin's off to UCF for graduate school next year, Aaron is looking for a job.....
Here's Caitlin, her mom and a friend. After yesterday's celebration...and it was a fun , relaxing afternoon.... (It reminded me of the celebrations we had for Megan (May 2008) and Brenna (August 2008) was such a happy fun time...a great celebration of a big accomplishment.)..and I was glad to be able to join Caitlin and her friends yesterday.) We were trying to decide what to do for Mother's Day.
Since the girls are not in town (Megan up at George Mason) Brenna working in DC...we didn't have anyone here to celebrate with. We didn't want to go out to eat..Mother's Day is a nightmare at a restaurant as far as I'm concerned We got up, took a walk and then decided to invite some friends over for fresh fish. Our friends Ben and Jess traded us shrimp for John boiled that up too. Benn and Jess, John & I and John M (with shrimp he'd caught)came. We grilled the fish and some of the shrimp...yum yum! Tom S. and his son came over along with 3 friends to help eat some of the feast. Then Chris and Heather and their girls joined us. It was nice having Ellie and Julia...almost like having Brenna and Megan (when they were little ) here! haha Ellie always calls me "AnneKaminski" all one word...Heather gets a big kick out of that.>
I think they like to come here because I have toys in the closet that they get to play with when they come it was the fishing game and some old puzzles. We had fun! And....... there was the cake I bought...because the graduation party DID NOT have one! It's not a party without a cake from Publix! far as I'm I bought a Mother's Day cake...hahaha with this on it! Ellie and I enjoyed a piece! (no one else was interested!...We didn't care!)
Now...I better go to bed or I'll be tired at work.............................

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The kitchen again

So I've been trying to figure out what artwork(?) I'm going to put in the newly designed kitchen...since the decorative tiles I had in there before don't really match the new look. I still don't know for sure...but last night I got an idea. Several years ago when we were in Hawaii...I found these cute alphabet flash cards...sort of vintage looking, fun prints. I thought I could maybe use them for work (matching game or something)...I didn't really know...but I knew I wanted them...hahaha
Anyway...I got to thinking maybe I could put some in a frame or group of frames and use them in the kitchen. (I have this thing for alphabet "stuff" for lack of a better word I just like it. I have a Mother Goose Alphabet poster, I cross-stitched letters onto a blanket...I just like finding different illustrated alphabet things I guess.) I loved these cards when I saw them...and I figured someday I'd figure out a way to use them. And I think they might work! I picked out my favorite illustrations in the set...put them in this holds 7... Now I just have to figure out if I'm stopping there...or using them all.(doubtful) I hung them on the existing nail/hook just to see how they'd look...but the wall hasn't been painted it's not exactly the finished look.
Also...our tile for the "insert" on the back splash came in. John picked an Onyx tile...which for some reason I thought was black...turns out onyx means "a stone like marble with different colors in layers" (according to my trusty Oxford American Dictionary)...and it is perfect!
First shot is the tile when it's dry and next one is what it looks like will have the "highlighted" colors when it's sealed. It is transparent or translucent (?) the light passes through it allowing the various colors to show will be perfect with the counter top and the field tile.
John had gone in to Design Studios to order the other tile we had selected....and then he saw a sample of soon as he saw it he knew this was exactly what he had been looking for and I think he's right! It's going to look great!