Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Where do they come from....?????????

Okay...so I checked the current moon and it's definitely NOT full... it's a waning crescent...in case you're interested so that's not it...but the crazy people were definitely coming out of the wood work today!
I arrived at work just as the library was opening...so it's walk in, put your stuff down and jump right in! First customer was regular patron...who likes to read and is...shall we say...a little demanding. I realized one of our volunteers was helping at the desk and she's never encountered said patron before and was looking a little nervous...so I jumped in to rescue her from KG, This lady puts many books on reserve and that's good for our business....but she just has a way of making you feel like you should be doing more...FOR HER! She's always in a hurry.....today...because the dog was in the car...but while the volunteer was doing her best to look up her card number because even though she's in the library at least 3-4 times a week...she isn't willing to spend $1.00 (!) for a replacement card she was busy rattling off numbers...only causing the voluterr to get more confused....oh well enough about her!
Next I had a nice couple new to the area...no problem...got them cards..sent them on their way...things were looking up...but then.....
next woman comes up to the desk and tells me she needs to renew her book. I told her I'd be happy to do that as long as no one else was waiting for it....here's how the conversation went.....
ME-As long as no one's waiting for it we can renew it for a week.
HER-Well they can't have it...I'm not done with it.
Me- (smiling) Well I need to check....
HER- Oh trust me...no one wants it.
**I suggested that sometimes we check to see if there are any holds...if there are the patron can just keep it and pay the overdue fees...oh no no no....that wasn't going to happen.
Luckily no one else was waiting...we got it renewed...then
HER- Oh I just remembered I got a call yesterday that I had a book in that I requested...I can't remember what the hell I wanted"
ME- Oh no problem....I'll look it up. (I looked....nothing on reserve...which means it probably was sent back.)
Me- Let me check paperwork down at reference in case we sent it back...(found the paper...called her on the 6th...sent it back on the 10th.)
Me- I'm sorry ma'am but it looks like we called you on the 6th
Her-No I got the call yesterday
Me- Well there's a note here on the paperwork....(for this very reason.)..I didn't say that!
Her-interrupting me..."I don't care what that says...I got the call yesterday"
I offered to reserve it again...she declined the offer and thankfully...went on her way.

NEXT..........I notice Irma down in Reference talking to a man...shaking her head...next thing we know he's walking into the staff area talking to our volunteer Jack...who had JUST walked in. as Jack put it...I saw this guy motioning to me and sort of waving...I thought he knew me from somewhere.
Iram was behind him...told him he could not go back there...he was okay with that...then
HIM- Listen...I just need to get an email address from someone...I have the solution to the problem in the Gulf of Mexico...and I have it typed up ready to send to the White House...but I need a return address.
ME-"Well you can't have anything sent to the Library...it's against the policy.
HIM- Oh I know...I could use your email address....
***I have never laid eyes on this guy before this...I don't think so!
Me- Sorry I don't have one you can use
Him- without batting an eye..."Well, Let me ask her" and he moved on to Heather.
ME- Can't you open an account online?
Irma- Sir...you really can't go around asking everyone in the library..
He did leave...and got back on the computer...don't know if he sent the email...But if you hear about a new miracle solution...it could be from our friend in Melbourne Beach!
The day did get better from then on...TG! I was starting to get nervous...this was all in the first 20 minutes!
We did have the usual questions....... I'm looking for a book...it's red.....I moving...I need to cancel my card and get all the info out of your computer system....OK that's a new one...except then she didn't have her card number? Hard to cancel it if we don't know who you are! Nancy suggested that she come in with an ID.
A book returned with a little blob of sunscreen and a pile of sand in it....first I thought it was frosting and ants,,,,hahaha. Ahh...I love my job!

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