Saturday, May 29, 2010

Friday Night Concert

When I was younger...I didn't really go to too many concerts... I couldn't handle the mob/ I just didn't really go too often. But now...I'm older and so are a lot of the band members and bands I have always enjoyed listening when they have shows at these smaller venues it's perfect! The latest was The Psychedelic Furs and a newer band,,,She Wants Revenge. It was great!
My brother...always on top of things like tickets as soon as they came out,,,and we got to reserve a booth so we could actually sit down. David's was front and center of course but our friend a great booth on the side of the stage

There was no backstage entrance/ the bands went backstage right next to our booth...I felt like a groupie...getting all excited as the bands went by surrounded by Security guys
our booth...can you tell that Heather was excited!

David, Bridget, Denise & Mike
The band on stage. The opening act.was She Wants Revenge was really good. The lead singer has a great voice and just moves on stage with a cool fluid movements...hard to explain...but just really can see he is into the music...but not exaggerated..just smooth, easy...(several people commented on this...which I also found interesting)
Richard Butler...lead singer of the Psychedelic Furs.. We had a lot of fun all night. We met up with our usual group of friends...but saw many others too...our neighbors Scott and Tracy, LJ & Laurie and their table, Steve & Twila, Randy, Roland, Destin, Todd from WFIT, Anthony, Todd P....and a few moms from they were surprised to see me there! hahaha And of course Joni O. and I who both leaned in at the same time and bonked heads....the 2 glasses of champagne and one glass of wine might have been a factor! We both cracked up! Can't wait for the next event...Heather and I have it all figured out...she knows the guy who produced the event...we have to get him to do a Retro 80's night...(alternative 80's) so we can go out dancing to music We LIKE! sometime! We'll see

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