Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Friends celebrating

I mentioned Megan was home for the weekend to attend a friend's wedding. She has been friends with Chelsea since elementary school...and she enjoyed getting together with some of the girls she's been friends with since about 2nd grade. Like...Erika here with Megan and John on a trip to Fort Wilderness
or when Allison, Megan and Chelsea(?)(and Peyton) were in a group chosen to be part of the "World's Largest Chorus" or something like that over at EPCOT. ( Allison 3rd from left and Megan on bottom right)
or at Megan's (American Girl) 50's Bowling Birthday party.
Allison and Megan at one of our back yard "carnival" parties.
A.,A.,A.,C.,G.,L.& Megan at 6th grade graduation doesn't seem that long ago!
and the now college graduates...Allison in Pharmacy program at UF, Erika just graduated from Clemson University..(with a degree in Recreation...just like me:)!) off to Honduras to work on a Divemasters (?) program and Megan ( currently one semester away from getting her Masters at George Mason University) all enjoying a little break between school and work and real life! hahha
A., Chelsea, Megan and Erika

Megan all ready to go. The wedding was in the evening...ouside at the Hilton on the beach. Thank goodness all the love bugs had temporarily moved out...because Chelsea's mom was a nervous wreck wondering if her daughter was going to walk down the aisle in a swarm of love bugs!...Happy to report they were all gone for the time being...Megan really enjoyed seeing all her old friends again...during college their breaks didn't always fall at the same time....or one was here one was this was the first time in 2-4 years that she was together with the girls. They all are happy and looking forward to what's next...enjoying the summer/weeks off before reality sets in...haha I enjoyed seeing them all too!

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