Friday, May 21, 2010

Love Bugs

Urban legend has it that Love Bugs are the result of an experiment gone bad at University of Florida.....and when they descended out of nowhere this past week..(.seriously it was like one minute it was hot and muggy...the next these bugs were EVERYWHERE!) the story was out again. Only I didn't remember ever hearing about the love bug/UF connection...and...
I went to UF AND recently read Gator a favorite former professor...Julian Pleasants (best history teacher EVER) and didn't remember seeing anything about it in there I was skeptical....
so naturally I googled it...and it turns out the bug larvae live in grass areas and feed on thatch and hatch about twice a year. When they hatch there can be hundreds of thousands of them...and I believe there were a couple of days ago!This year was/is a banner year....they seemed to be everywhere the other day. Piled up in the center of the highway, on windshields and bumpers everywhere...and the worst image...ALL OVER the front door and window at the local Friendly's some kind of horror movie.
They make a mess on your car...but thank goodness they don't BITE!...or no one could go outside. I even ventured out on my bike...sunglasses on, visor low so they couldn't slip in between ....and no smiling or yawning allowed.... had to shake off my shirt a few times as they started collecting on me...but all in wasn't too bad.

1 comment:

  1. Is that picture our pathfinder returning from sunfest!?
