Sunday, May 9, 2010


It's graduation time again and this year we have several friends/relatives who will be or already have graduated. John's god daughter graduates next week. (Next year she'll attend BCC.) Our nephew graduates later this month...don't think he's made his final decision...but maybe he has... One of Megan's friends, Claudia, whose parents have been so kind to Megan, graduated Saturday from Emory University. (so did Arielle)
Mikayla D pictured here with Pat T. ,her mom & I...was the youngest graduate from Florida Tech..or FIT as I still think of it. Mikayla graduated with a 4.0 and is waiting to find out where she'll go to medical school. She's 20 years old. The president of the university made it a point to acknowledge her at the ceremony Friday night.
Caitlin and her friend Aaron...along with several other kids Megan went to High School with graduated last Saturday from UF. Her parents had a little get together for her yesterday. Caitlin's off to UCF for graduate school next year, Aaron is looking for a job.....
Here's Caitlin, her mom and a friend. After yesterday's celebration...and it was a fun , relaxing afternoon.... (It reminded me of the celebrations we had for Megan (May 2008) and Brenna (August 2008) was such a happy fun time...a great celebration of a big accomplishment.)..and I was glad to be able to join Caitlin and her friends yesterday.) We were trying to decide what to do for Mother's Day.
Since the girls are not in town (Megan up at George Mason) Brenna working in DC...we didn't have anyone here to celebrate with. We didn't want to go out to eat..Mother's Day is a nightmare at a restaurant as far as I'm concerned We got up, took a walk and then decided to invite some friends over for fresh fish. Our friends Ben and Jess traded us shrimp for John boiled that up too. Benn and Jess, John & I and John M (with shrimp he'd caught)came. We grilled the fish and some of the shrimp...yum yum! Tom S. and his son came over along with 3 friends to help eat some of the feast. Then Chris and Heather and their girls joined us. It was nice having Ellie and Julia...almost like having Brenna and Megan (when they were little ) here! haha Ellie always calls me "AnneKaminski" all one word...Heather gets a big kick out of that.>
I think they like to come here because I have toys in the closet that they get to play with when they come it was the fishing game and some old puzzles. We had fun! And....... there was the cake I bought...because the graduation party DID NOT have one! It's not a party without a cake from Publix! far as I'm I bought a Mother's Day cake...hahaha with this on it! Ellie and I enjoyed a piece! (no one else was interested!...We didn't care!)
Now...I better go to bed or I'll be tired at work.............................

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