Monday, May 31, 2010

It's Memorial day and I must admit I am enjoying the day off...but it kind of makes me cringe when people say "Happy Memorial Day".....because it's not really a day I think about celebrating. Remebering...maybe...remembering those who lost their lives in wars, or are serving or have served. My mother lost a brother and a cousin in World War II.....and hated the idea of war. My dad and John's dad were among the lucky who went to war...but came home. My mother told my brother she would drive him to Canada herself if she had to during the Vietnam War..fortunately she didn't...but we knew how she felt. When Mark later joined the Navy...she supported him...but when he left for Lebanon (in the 80's) I know she feared the worst. Again , he was lucky, he served his time and came home unscathed. When my nephew did his two tours in Iraq...we all held our breath and prayed he would be okay. It was a tough transition (I think...he didn't say much) back to "normal" but he survived and is fine and doing really well....but he's out. I know many people who have been to war...or have children in the service...and certainly there are positive things that can come from it...but I am thankful that my children did not have to/want to go. I hope that we can get everyone out of Iraq and Afghanistan sooner rather than later...and I'll spare you my usual rant and leave it at that.
Back before Vietnam and Iraq...and whatever else in between...the annual Memorial Celebration in Bethel Park PA...was or seemed to be about "old" the Civil War......not wars that had anything to do with anyone I knew....but I was a kid. To was the annual parade that wound up at the local cemetery...where there were speeches and...more importantly to us dogs and free soda! I remember drinking more than my share of Cream Soda....and loving it! This photo is of my sister Martha and I on Memorial Day in 1963? 64?....somehow I got chosen to hold the flag and I was SO excited and proud of myself! Martha got to hold the troop flag and we were off! I remember running around, drinking soda and enjoying being in the crowd of all my friends, family and schoolmates. when we first moved to Florida in the late 60's...the schools here didn't even get the day off...something which kind of annoyed my mother. as a matter of year she even let us TAKE THE DAY OFF from school...and she and my Dad took us to Disney World. I remember this because A. my mother never let us take a day off...unless we were sick or something and B. this was back in the early years at Disney...when during the school the middle of the could go to Disney World and hardly anyone else would be there. So... on that one particular day...I remember walking down the street in Frontier land (near the Haunted Mansion and Hall of Presidents and other than our family and the Fife and Drum Band marching by...we were the ONLY ones on the street! That has never/will never happen again!
When the girls were little (Megan a baby...Brenna about 4) we went to Fort Wilderness with a group of friends over the Memorial Day weekend...with fond memories of that trip my family had taken... but times had changed...IT WAS PACKED! We all went to the Magic Kingdom...walked in and Main Street was jam packed with people...and John looked at me and said "It is worth $100.00 to me to leave right now!" Not wanting to go through the park with a disgruntled husband and two small children in tow...I turned around with him and we left! (Back to the campground...where it was actually kind of quiet...and we did have fun.) (I'm not sure why we didn't try to get a refund.) So we spent $50.00 (or so ) a piece to walk in...halfway down Main Street and then back out. Ahhhh...such fond memories! hahahaha Today...John and I put on red,white and blue and went to LongDoggers where else and had a hot dog (him) and a hamburger (me) and that was the extent of our "hoilday". Again it was a nice day off....and I did take a minute to remember my Uncle Howard and my mother's cousin Ray and all the others..and I am grateful for their service.

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