Tuesday, May 25, 2010

home again, home again

One of Megan's friends got married this past Saturday...so Megan flew in for the weekend so she could attend. School is out, and even though Megan just started a new job (summer position)...she has had the ticket since December...so the trip was still on. First order of business say hi to Kiena and then...lay in the sun to get a little color.
Even when she was in Florida, Megan was not one to lie in the sun...but she lathered on the sunscreen and gave it a go.....
There were a few requests...a trip to the Blueberry Muffin for breakfast, a chocolate chip bagel from Corey's Bagels, some fresh fish (no problem!),a roast (sorry never got that...ran out of days)and a trip to Disney World......"but of course I can go with you to Disney World!!"She had a few relaxing days, spent time with some friends...(all of whom are either recently graduated and back in town before starting new jobs,in between semesters, getting ready for internships, grad school or________.) She went to the beach...to Longdoggers,to Disney with me, the wedding, Sebastian Inlet...and then I dropped her off in Orlando this morning for her flight home :(... However we will see her again in 3 weeks when we head up to the Boardwalk art Show in Virginia Beach. More photos tomorrow...right now...I'm off to dreamland....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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