Last Friday we went up to
Grills in Port Canaveral to have lunch with some distant relatives. John's cousin Joe recently called to say these cousins(from Wyoming) would be in Cocoa Beach and that we should meet up for lunch or dinner or whatever. As Joe said..."They're family and families should stick together"
I put that in quotation marks...but honestly I don't remember if that is exactly what he said...but it was something like that haha
We decided to make it easy on them...hahah and meet them at the port. Brenna joined us. The three of us were laughing on the way wondering exactly
how we are related
IF...other than the fact that we know John and Grace went out to Wyoming art one point to visit them...we weren't sure. The funny thing is when we got there Ruth Ann(e?) asked us "How are we related?" We all laughed. We never did quite figure it all out...but we had a nice lunch with them.
John and Wes talked about fishing , Ruth Anne and I talked about places we've visited...places we like. We did enjoy ourselves. After dinner we walked around and saw what people were catching , cleaning. The pelicans were trying to get some scraps...it was funny.
After our late lunch we chatted a bit and exchanged addresses and info...and promised to get in touch again sometime. Maybe we'll talk to Joe or someone who can fill us all in on how we are related...hahah
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