Sunday, December 30, 2018

a new approach?

I've decided that rather than try to keep up with events as they happen...I'm just going to write about things when I feel like it. hahaha We will see how long this lasts.....................................................
I think it's because i have kind of felt like I ought to be writing...but then I don't take the time to do it. If I want to add photos it's a pain in the _______ and I DO want to add photos, so there you go.
It's the Saturday after Christmas and we've been watching football since 12 noon. First the GATORS who surprised us all and had a good season and a great game today in the Peach Bowl! Looking forward to good things next year! Now it's halftime in the Alabama far so good. Brenna and Kristian are down in that crazy crowd somewhere watching the game and there's been plenty to cheer about so far.  Hope they can maintain the momentum and go on to the championship game.
It's been a crazy December so far.We have been busier than ever...or at least busier than we've been the last few years.Starting in mid-November when John went to visit Megan and Marcus in Dubai. I didn't go...mainly because I was planning to "retire" December 6th and didn't want to take 2 weeks off, come back and work a week and then give my notice.. John had a great visit...they kept him busy!Surfing in the desert, golfing, fishing etc, etc.

 He got to visit the Mosque and check out the incredible tile work....Megan insisted that he go see it...because he wasn't so sure. He's glad he went!
While he was off on his adventure...I had the house to myself for a few days and then my sister Elizabeth came to town.She was only here for a long weekend, but we packed the days with visits to all the favorite eating places...fried clams at Long Doggers, breakfast at the Blueberry Muffin...all the usual spots....and a couple of new ones...haha That was a nice break for me. She was down to pick up a few things from our brother's house (the house my parent's bought in 1968!) because the house

 is up for sale

 and it was time to get the last of the things out. It's kind of sad to know that next time I go by there I can't just go in like I have all these years; but then again...since my parents have been gone, I didn't go as often as I used to
on the back patio getting ready for the Mardi Gras Ball

December 1970(?)

.It's a strange feeling to see it empty though. I was 11 when we moved in to that house. We had many adventures in that neighborhood on OakRidge Drive over the years. When John and I got married, we had our reception there.

Father Jack, Maureen Hogg, Mom and Mr. Griffin (and the bike hahaha)

recption- Dad, Ray Brennan & Uncle Dave
John's Dad and his Godfather out front
brunch before John's 60th Birthday party

John and Bill in the foyer

Tacky Tourist Party- Mom, Brian,Maureen and Dad

Anne,Linda,Martha Dixie out front

Ian's 9th birthday

cousins- December 1992
Brenna, David,Anna,Ian and Ryan, Megan

on the front porch Elizabeth's first communion Jenifer, Liz and Paul

Thanksgiving 1980

cousins out on the back porch

Lot and lots of great memories...but strangely I'm not too emotional about Mark selling it. It's a great move for him and I'm happy for him. I hope the next people in the house enjoy it as much as we did!
December 6th was my LAST day of work at the Melbourne Beach Library.

 I started there when the library opened in October 2002...left for about a year and a half in 2004, and then returned. It was easy, convenient and I always enjoyed seeing friends and neighbors while I worked. When I returned in 2005, I worked in the Youth Services department. That was my favorite part of my job. I loved working with the kids and the young moms I liked reading to them

 doing special programs like puppet shows and Holiday programs, parades etc.
*this family helped us put a float in the Melbourne Beach Parade every year up until the same year Dianne and I were no longer in YS. The girls started coming to ST when K was about 5 and L was 3 I think. They helped with the parade until K's first year of college. Now that's dedication!

Over the years my job was slowly phased out, but up until a year and a half ago, I still had Storytime once a week. It was something I always looked forward to...every week. I got replaced...which was really hard for several reasons...and almost left at the end of last year. John asked me to stick it out for one more year, we were also getting a raise that October, for the first time in several years...AND I figured the director probably figured I'd I decided to stick around a help John...and to annoy her hahahahah. But my countdown was on!!! I actually looked at the calendar and figured out how many days minus holidays, etc...and I managed to hang in there. Some days I even caught myself thinking..."Maybe I will stay" then someone would bitch about a 20c fine...or the boss would make some comment that pissed me off and I would start counting down again hahaha When I went back and forth about the actual last day...John made the decision for me. He had booked us on a 7 day cruise that left December 9th! so...I added on a couple days and decided December 6th\
beautiful flowers and balloons were waiting for me when I arrived on my last day. Thanks to John!

this is what I my mind I had on a t-shirt that either said "She's over it!" or some in appropriate comment about our current president. hahah I have had to listen to so many comments, opinions about "those Democrats, Obama, Clinton, etc...and I would LOVED to have told them all what I thought!! hahahaha

 would be it.I was going to give them a month notice...then one thing or another happened and I decided screw it...I'm giving them 3 weeks...and then it was down to 2 and a day or two. And when the actual day came around I was not SAD...I was happy and relieved and maybe a tiny bit sad to know I would miss some of my favorite patrons...but I'll see them when I go in to get my own books! :)
The cruise was with our friends Art and Gayle.  After we joined in, We threw the idea out and next thing you know Charlie and Gayle and Sean and Nancy were in.Next it was John and Jill...and finally...Gayle's sister Jeanette and her husband Joe. It was a fun group and we all had a good time. There was always someone to do things with. We went on the Oasis of the Seas which is a huge ship. I wasn't sure how I'd like it...but it wasn't bad. The Christmas decorations made everything nice and festive. We celebrated Joe's birthday on the 12th and mine on the 13th. We had a couple of dinners all together ...all 12 of us. Other nights it was 8 of us one place & 4 of them in another, etc...but it all worked out nicely.
This is the third cruise we have gone on in the last three years. This was the largest ship and also the most diverse group. Two years ago our cruise to the northeast harbours was mostly older white people.There were about 5 kids total on that one and I felt sorry for them hahaha.Last year our cruise to Alaska was in the summer, so there were a lot more kids...running around and having a blast. And I swear some of them never got out of the pool hahahah. This year like I said...all ages, all ethnicities, lots of large extended families. It was great for people watching! Maybe because it was close to the holidays...on the "formal" night people really got all dressed up. I enjoyed seeing everyone ...again great people watching. Lots of happy families, all dressed up and having a good time...what's not to like!
We got home from the cruise and finished getting ready for John's birthday and Christmas. Josh, Brenna ,John and I went to check out the new Texas Roadhouse location. We went early and had no problem parking and getting it. Getting out....that was another story! Cars, people, etc in all directions and it was a kind of a mess. People trying to make an impossible left turn to get out, people not being able to back out of spots due to cars trying to get into the lot...a mess! Glad we got there early. I was afraid they were going to have issues...and I'm sure they will sort things out, but in the careful where you park if you decide to go!!!!! Inside...beautiful...everything new, spacious, clean and bright. Food is always good.
The Friday after we got home we went to some friend's party.

. It was a great time! DJ played all the songs I wanted but didn't get to hear on the cruise!

 hahah Karaoke...which is not something I usually do...but it was fun to watch. Good food, good drinks, lots of laughs and dancing...all great fun!
I think I'll sign off for now. Next time maybe the wedding??? Christmas??? New Year's Eve???? We'll see.
Oh...and I've decided rather than add a hundred pictures to this post of the old house...hahaha I'm going to put some together on a DVD. 😉😉

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