Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Surprise surprise...I'm still around

Oh dear, I knew it had been a while since I wrote anything on the blog...but time has really gotten away from me! We've been busy and it's not always easy to take the time to sit and type. I've had things to say...I just haven't said them. All I can think at times like this is "What would I do if I were REALLY busy!" Yikes. There is also the ongoing issue of logging on from different devices and having to remember all the darn passwords, etc. I HATE THEM!!!!!! But they're not going I need to just be better about writing them down somewhere handy so I can refresh my memory as needed.
Last time I was on the blog I talked about our trip to NY. When August rolled around we were getting ready for Brenna and Josh's wedding in September.

 I say we...but really Brenna was the one firming up all the plans; although We did keep the dogs here for them when they went to Huntsville for a final meeting. John was also the self-appointed caller for anyone who did not RSVP. He volunteered and he did not hesitate to call (the mostly FAMILY) people we needed an answer from. I was worried/wondering if some of the cousins would be able to make it...and in the end I am happy to report that they DID! It made my day each time we got another YES response...why??? I'm not wasn't MY wedding after all...but I was so happy to know that everyone was willing to make the effort to get there to celebrate with us. And it was so much fun!!!!!! (I believe everyone who made the trip felt like they were glad they did). Life is hard sometimes, so when a chance to celebrate comes along....TAKE IT!   (am I driving anyone crazy with my capital letters and exclamation marks? hahahaha)
August meant that it was also time for a bridal shower

 for Brenna...planned by Kristian and "hosted"  by  all the bridesmaids. They planned a lovely party...and Kristian really made the effort to make it happen here. Ashley also planned a nice party for Brenna and some of the friends up in Alabama which was very thoughtful. It meant a lot to Brenna and it was no small feat to coordinate things when everyone was in a different city/state/country etc.
After considering many options Kristian decided that a tea party was the way to go...and Brenna was delighted.

Local friends and family (and one or two from out of town) got together at The House of Pastel for a nice little party.

Thanks to Lindsey to for this photo collage <3 div="">

 All of the food was delicious and so was the tea. And of course ...the company. It was nice because many guests got to meet each other before the wedding and others who were going to be unable to attend the to celebrate with Brenna at the shower. Perfect for all involved. The girls indulged me and let me plan a few games. Just one or two to learn a little about Brenna and how she was connected to all of those present. Family,

 family friends,

 school friends,

 work friends, college friends,

 etc. Many people form all facets of her life. It was great! There were a lot of us everyone pretty much found a spot and stayed put. I had planned to circulate a little bit more, but between the tight spaces and running the games, I never ventured very far from my spot in the corner. I regret that I didn't get to spend a few minutes talking to everyone there...but all in all everything worked out just fine,
Brenna opened her gifts, we played a few "games" and then passed out some goody bags that had assorted tea bags, honey sticks and a few homemade Chocolate Orange mini muffins, If we had made or bought the food ourselves...those muffins would definitely been on the menu, because they are one of Brenna's favorite treats,
Once the shower weekend was over...we had just TWO weeks left until the wedding. We also got to spend the week before the wedding with my sister Martha and her husband Tony. They arrived in Melbourne the Friday before we were all leaving for Huntsville, so we had plenty of time for dinners. golf, and assorted other get together s. Mark, Paul and Tracy were not going to make it to the wedding, so it was great to at least celebrate ahead of time with my brothers and Martha and Tony. Perfect timing, I took the week before the wedding the festivities got of to a fine start!

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