Thursday, January 24, 2019

the one about the wedding....sort of

September 8, 2018 would have been my parent's 66th anniversary; it was also Brenna and Josh's wedding day. We had a great time celebrating!!!!! Even after just 4-5 months some of the details are escaping me...hahaha so if you were there and thinking "that's not exactly how it happened" haha let me know. I figure the little details aren't all that the grand scheme of things.
 We had almost all of the family ...John's and ours there. Also had many of Josh's family there; which surprised Josh a little I think, but he was pleased.
Celebrations are always better when most of the family is my opinion.
Mark, Paul and Tracy couldn't make it, but we enjoyed celebrating with them the week before the wedding, because Martha and Tony flew to Melbourne and  they spent a week in Indialantic before we all headed up to Huntsville.

On our flight up we left out of Melbourne and had a connection in Atlanta. David and Bridget were  on our same flight. While in Atlanta we ended up meeting up with Ellen and Anna

 who were on our same flight to Huntsville. Megan and Marcus's flight from VA arrived shortly after ours did *The following day Charlie and Gayle were on the same flight as Maureen and Stephanie.
Brenna and Josh were already in town....kind of getting a head start on things. (Their car was so full they had to load some into a carrier on top. Not quite the Beverly Hillbillies look...but close hahahah

some of the things brought up in the car

Most of us were staying  at the same hotel in it worked out well with rides to and from the airport, around town etc.
 The hotel was just over a mile from the site of the wedding and reception. It was located in a central part of town near a park,

 restaurants, stores, etc. It was great. The best thing was the Publix

RIGHT BEHIND our hotel!! hahahah Who would have imagined we'd all be so excited to have a grocery store so close. I think me made at least 3 trips a day. hahahah The rooms all had mini kitchens with refrigerators, so it was very convenient.(we/I REALLY needed the half and half for our coffee...hahah The hotel had a great breakfast every morning and coffee was always available...but it's no good without the right cream!)
We walked around the block to get a bite to eat. The weather was perfect that weekend! Not too hot (like it can be in September. ) No hurricanes anywhere on the map...near Fl or Al that we didn't have to think about that! We sat outside and as we were eating we began to see other friends and family members getting into town. It was fun to be in a completely different town and see friendly faces walking or driving by. (I'm easily amused haha)
There were one or two other wedding groups at the between them and all of us...the lobby was hopping. Just like when we were all in Savannah for Megan and Marcus's wedding, I had fun sitting in the lobby and seeing who was walking in the door at any given time, making note of who had arrived, one by one.

Friday was spent visiting with everyone and for Brenna, Josh and John (mostly) working out the last details. John and I at one point took a nice walk and checked out the museum where the wedding was going to be. The  Early Works Museum was closed for the day, but the director happened to be there and he started chatting with us and then  let us in to check out the space, which was very helpful. He told us which doors to use, etc and to get an idea of what was going to be where and when and why, etc. We also got a chance to see the fun display "Dog Days of Summer".
FUN! display I loved it!

 All the stuffed dogs that had been scattered around the front...waiting to be put back in place and ready for the following day. It was a fun display. Kids were allowed to get in and play with the dogs...move them around, pose with them and so on. I bet the kids (and adult dog lovers LOVED that!)
seeing the room BEFORE and then seeing it after the transformation was also interesting. I had heard from Brenna what she was doing...but wasn't completely sure what exactly she meant...but all I can say is WOW! It was a nice room when it was empty...but it was beautiful with the draping and flowers and everything else. Just what Brenna had envisioned.
Friday we waited for various friends and family to arrive. John helped Brenna (mostly) work on the logistics and made sure the plan was in place and ready to go.There was a rehearsal planned along with dinner for members of the wedding party and their significant others. (if we had included all of the family members, it would have been almost half the guests!!!)
bridal party-minus Megan (she's over Brenna's shoulder)

 After that we were going to have an informal get together so anyone in town could stop by and meet one another.
a few friends, some future in-laws, some aunts and uncles

parents, uncles, aunts, in-laws, cousins...what's not to like!

Brenna with a few cousins and a couple of uncles

We did this when Megan and Marcus got married and it was a great idea. Nothing fancy, nothing too organized but it was fun. Of course it morphed into a dance party!!! We played the songs that didn't quite make the play list for the a B side dance party. hahah


We danced and talked and had a good time, but we didn't stay out too late, because we knew we all had to get up for a big day the next day. Speaking of the next day...I've shared enough pictures in this I'll save the rest for tomorrow, 😼.

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