Friday, July 27, 2018

2018 trip to NY

My nephew David and his wife were planning to head "home" (David's anyway) for a week or two in NY this summer. While there they planned to have a little party for friends and family, etc to meet the newest family member, their son Clarkson. John and I decided we would make a trip up for a long weekend to see everyone.
We also decided that one of these times when we went to upstate NY we needed to make the 3 (or so) hour drive to Niagara Falls. We don't know how long Ellen and Erik will be in New York....and it's not that far to the we just needed to make a plan

. Now to be clear...John made all the plans...dinners, hotels, car rental, flights....all I had to do was send the RSVP back...hahaha Reservations were made, flights were booked, and the trip was on.
Early June is not a bad time to head north. Kids here are out of school by the end of May and at the library programs were starting. Up north, however, kids were still in school, so our side trip to Niagara Falls was nice. There were people of course...but not the huge crowds I imagine they get in the summertime.
We had a great time with our family and enjoyed meeting Clarkson.

 He is a happy, content little boy. He was also at a good developmental stage...where strangers (like us) really didn't seem to alarm him. The day of the "Sip and See" ,we set up chairs around the perimeter of the  room and he happily crawled around the center of the room and played while we all watched. Many friends of my nephew (and my sister's family) stopped by during the afternoon. Everyone enjoyed a nice relaxed get-together. Having everyone come see them...saved my nephew and his wife from having to drive all around town trying to visit everyone. Much more of a vacation for them!
The day after the party John and I headed up to Canada to see the falls. We figured a Sunday morning would mean light traffic on the roads...and fortunately we were correct. John did the driving so I can't say for sure...but it seemed like a relaxing drive as road trips go.Before we knew it...we could see the mist rising off the falls in the distance.

 Again because there wasn't too much traffic on the roads...getting where we wanted to go was relatively easy. / I think we only made one wrong turn

Niagara Falls was pretty awesome. I can't say it took my breath away....but it's pretty awesome. I can only imagine what the first people who came across it thought....they probably heard it and then when they actually SAW it... they must have thought WHOA!!!! That's a lot of water! hahahah

We had a room overlooking the falls...which was pretty cool. I didn't close the curtains that night...I just kept watching the lights on the water, changing colors.
just in case you were thinking about getting a close-up!

 The crowd of people on the ground, got larger and smaller and larger and smaller again and again as the afternoon/evening went on...but even late into the night there were at least some
. people down there watching the water flowing.It was interesting to watch the people in the crowd. All ages, from all over the world...all there to see this wonder of the world. Cool. Now...would I rush back....probably not. Once was enough I think. Like most tourist sites,( The Keys, for instance) I don't like all the "junk" that comes with it. I know stores, shops, etc are always going end up where people are going to be...but I bet it was even more awesome 50 years ago! I am glad I went though. We opted out of the boat ride down by the falls....I did not feel like getting all I settled for watching the boats going up to the falls hahahaha.
We were in Niagara Falls for one day and night....then it was back down to NY. Skaneateles to be exact.

John had never been to that town. Martha, Ellen, Anna and I had made a trip there when we were in Cortland for training camp a few years back and it is definitely worth a trip back :).
from August 2014 trip...our Inn we stayed at is in the background

John made us a reservation a an inn right in the middle of the town.

view of the Inn from the park across the street, I loved all the GREEN trees!

 It was a nice treat! Since I had spent an afternoon in town once before, I had an idea of what was around and within walking distance.

We walked around by the lake, around town, shopped, ate lunch, got coffee etc and just enjoyed the area and the cooler temperatures. (down home things were already heating was nice to be back where you actually needed a sweater or jacket at times!)
We had a reservation at the Inn for dinner. That was nice and very convenient! During the afternoon/evening there had been showers off and it was no surprise that when the sun started to set...there was a rainbow. It was on view right from out street facing window. WOW it was an incredible rainbow! One by one almost everyone in the place ended up outside  trying to get a picture. It was funny and so much fun all at the same time.
one side
and the was FULL and BRIGHT and had a golden glow with the reflection from the setting sun
Right behind the Inn was a Patisserie! They supplied all the breads, granola, some dessert items,  and more to the restaurant. Of course I needed to see what else they had in there! hahaha I tried a mini pie yum yum!
it was worth a visit!!!!!

John enjoyed our day and night in Skaneateles and we both enjoyed our whole trip!
We saw and did a lot in just a few days. I'll go back any time.  :)

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