Sunday, July 1, 2018

Catching up

I mentioned in the last post that it had been so long since I last got on the Blog, that I needed to create a new password. ....and it's easy to put things off when you just don't feel like making the extra effort. So, now I will attempt to "catch up" on various highlights of the first 6 months of 2018. (with a little help from my trusty calendar...I think I can remember 😉 )
My sister and my niece came to WDW for a visit in January..

 Anna got there first, and I went over for a day/evening when Ellen arrived a few days later. We enjoyed sitting by the pool and chatting, then going out for dinner before I headed home to Melbourne. It was a lovely day in January, not too hot, not too cold...and even though we didn't go into any parks that was still nice to be there. When I left after dinner...I set out for home. I am notorious for making at least one wrong turn getting to or from Disney...and I did just that. Thank goodness directions are fairly easy from here to Orlando (and back) in as long as I saw signs directing me towards OIA...I knew I could get home...but I managed to make it a scenic drive. (tooo bad it was dark! hahaha) I have NO idea where the heck I wound up...somewhere in Kissimmee/St. Cloud. BUT....there was a sign saying I was on the way to the airport   ✈ I was good. My phone was about to no GPS, it was a dark, moonless night and I think I added about 35 minutes to my trip...before I did indeed end up passing the airport and heading EAST to the beach.( If I lived in a big city....I think it would be bad news ....I would be lost at all times!!!!!!) It was ridiculous...and yet so typical...I just had to laugh at myself.
In February we had more visitors. John's sister Sandy (and Ken), and his brother Bill (and Kathie) had made plans to come for a visit us and Lucy and Mac and gang in Grant.It just so happened we were planning to have an Engagement Party
*I've been told that that dress was "Bright" hahahahah
I should wear it whenever people need to spot me in a crowd  😊
for Brenna and Josh and we were able to have it the same weekend everyone was in town; which was nice. February in Florida is always pretty nice...and we had great weather that weekend as well.We had a fun afternoon with family and friends. Music, laughs, beer and wine and got to meet some of Brenna and Josh's friends we hadn't met and see some of their old friends too. Good time.
We had dinner out with the family  at Meg O'Malley's and again another night at the Old Fish it was a nice visit with everyone.

In March we attended our friend's crayfish party. They had done this party for many years, but it was on hold for a while after our friend Pat died (about 5 years ago). We were excited to hear that the party was BACK! I don't eat most of the crayfish, potatoes,'s way too spicy for my palate...

the "race" was pretty pitiful...but one finally made a break for it
and the winners are....(not us !)

but there's always plenty of other good things to eat, and most importantly great to see all of their friends back together again.
In April, we celebrated Easter with old friends. Maureen and family decided to go on with the party....even though her husband and our dear friend Brian passed away earlier in the year. His passing was not unexpected...but death really never comes at a good time for anyone that you love and care about.It was nice to see the "gang".... those that made it anyway. No one is getting any younger...and each year the group gets a little smaller..☹
 Later in April, of course was David's surgery...which kept us all busy.
In May we celebrated John's sister's birthday. we had a nice time down at his niece's house celebrating 80! years!!!!
had to check out the newest addition to the family...Isabella
Happy Birthday Dear Lucy!
THe first weekend in May we decided to

drop by Founder's Day festivities in MB. Had a fun afternoon with one of the girls I work with. For about an hour she and I, and her friend sat on the porch of the Community Center and watched the crowd while we cooled off and had a bite to eat. and bitched about work. We all left and made plans to meet up again later for the annual Street Party. I went home to "freshen up" and then John and I went to a Kentucky Derby "party" at LongDogger's with a group of friends. (we did not Win hahahah) . We headed back to Melbourne Beach for a few hours. We saw lots of friends and had a good time...but as far as the music wasn't my favorite group they've ever had. We wrapped up May at a friend's Memorial Day Party.

khaki pants seemed to be "uniform" of the day...hahaha

Good time with fun people and good music. (and since the party was on was nice to enjoy the Monday holiday!!!!) Tropical Storm Alberto was wreaking havoc on out weather for a week or two...but as luck would have wasn't too bad the day of the party. Some rain off and on....but mostly it stayed away.
John and Josh made a trip to Michael's Men's Store the same get outfitted for the big day. They both enjoyed meeting with Michael and his son and we were all very happy with their selections!! Josh got a great suit and tie....he's going to look very smart. John got a beautiful blue jacket. some light khaki slacks and the shirt and tie to finish the look. (Brenna may disagree...hahah but I think he's going to be the best looking one there. ) All the plans are coming along!
Next time I'll recap our June trip to New York and Niagara Falls.

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