Thursday, June 28, 2018

I'm Baaaaaack

Well, It's been a while, but I'm back. I actually tried to log in to my blog a couple of weeks ago, but I couldn't remember my darn password and got aggravated and decided to try again another day.
It's been awhile and that's not because I was so busy or off doing exciting things all this time (...although I did do some exciting things and I was busy part of the time hahahahah)
In April my brother David had to have surgery to repair his Mitral Valve in his heart. He had been feeling pretty lousy for a long time, but I think we all assumed it was due to him being over 60,  overweight and not in the best health as a result of those things. While they were turns out that the heart issues were one of the main issues. The Dr. told him the damage was "not new" there's a possibility that it's been an issue for a long time, but it got to the point that the right heart could no longer compensate for the left side.(at least that's how I interpreted what he told us) He had been experiencing A Fib and shortness of breath and over the last year it continued to get worse and worse. Exercise was what we all thought he needed....but the last thing he was going to be able to actually do. Fortunately his team of cardiologists finally ordered the right test and realized that the irregular heart beat was only one part of the problem and the damaged valve was the BIG problem. Once he got the diagnosis it was a waiting game (about 2 weeks) until he could get in and have the procedure done.He was ready to get on with it. after a few stops and starts...he finally got it done on April 18th. Bridget and I spent  the day waiting for updates. She was there ALL day from 6am on...I arrived a couple of hours later. I have to say...what could have been a very long 5-6 hours really wasn't too bad. The staff gave Bridget hourly updates...they were doing 3 procedures...and we were updated after each one. Bridget knew some people working that day who happened we chatted with them, I had a friend who passed by, a lady from Our Lady of Lourdes stopped by (she was such a nice, calming  break in the day too) and we just talked and laughed and I tried my best to keep her (and myself) distracted. I think it worked. We were both busy sending out text messages to family and friends...and Bridget was fielding phone calls. One guy tried to call several times, but she wasn't "up" for talking to him just he tried to get around us and  called the desk...hahah and claimed he was David's brother. The volunteer came over and asked" does he have a brother _______?" NO...but I had to give the guy credit for trying. hahaha
When the doctor came out he told us it had been a difficult case. He was happy with the way things had gone, but emphasized it had been difficult. I remember looking at Bridget and thinking..."So what does this mean this good news...or is he trying to tell us something?" Neither of us could really tell.
Eventually we got in to see him in the ❤  Cardiac ICU and he was heavily sedated and on a respirator...all according to plan. We didn't hang around much longer...because...there wasn't much to do.we both went home and got a good night's sleep.
Due to some complications with pneumonia...they ended up keeping him sedated and on the respirator fora full week. That was hard.When they got him to where he was "awake" times he just looked like he desperately wanted to say something to us....and of course he couldn't. They kept him sedated as much as they safely could...because he was coughing...but without the medication he would have been in a LOT of pain...and actually it probably helped him heal a little more. If he had been awake...he would have been encouraged to get up and get walking. When they finally did decide it was safe to get him off the respirator...he was understandably very groggy, uncomfortable...and probably had a hell of a was hard for us...and especially Bridget, because we were SO HAPPY...and he was to put it nicely a pain in the ass. BUT....when the Dr saw him...he couldn't believe it. He said "Im impressed!  Considering what you've been through .....I'm impressed!" Each day he looked better and better...but it was a slow process. He had some swelling and inflammation around the heart...pericarditis, but not enough to warrant draining it
this sign cracked me up-trust me...he wasn't that happy about taking it...but it did help

.Also had a swollen painful foot...determined to be gout. So there were lots of ups and downs...but he finally got to go home with a bag full of paperwork, three pages of prescriptions, etc.Since then he's made a couple of trips back to the hospital...the inflammation was causing pain and making him nervous...but last trip the Dr. said "You've got more of a chance of getting sick coming back here than you do at home." All test show the heart is working well and now it's just a matter of time till everything heals completely. It's definitely been a bit of a roller coaster ride...but he seems to be getting better. He LOOKS a lot better...and I was happy to know that a friend who ran into him somewhere talked to John after wards and said "WOW, we saw David...he looks great!" it's not just me.
Well...that's mainly what's kept me next time I'll tell you what fun things I've been up to.  😉

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