Thursday, April 5, 2018

Trying to remember the time in December

That's not how the song really goes....but I needed something to get me started. 😼 After our stay in Kure Beach...
 .a group of us headed over to Bald Head Island for the week.

 Since it was December...before Christmas, there weren't many people around. It's a slow time of year to be heading to the beach/island, etc. It was cold!!!!!!!! But it was nice to have the place mostly to ourselves...actually think it was better that way. As the place grows and more houses get built, I think the original owners probably greet the new development with mixed emotions.

It is only accessible by ferry...

so you have to plan ahead, with shopping, supplies etc. Of course the house we stayed in was quite nice and had just about everything we needed., but we had lots of groceries and beer and wine to bring with us. Since the ferry and trams were relatively was a breeze! On a crowded Spring Break or summer day...I don't know how much fun it would be. Probably lots of waiting in line! (John would go nuts hahahah)

It was  a fun experience going on the ferry, and heading to the island. Luckily our group was organized. Also Martha and Tony and others had been there before so they knew the routine. That was helpful.

Once we got to our house we got to work getting our supplies sorted out. When you travel with's like having  a personal chef....add to the mix Wim, Andy and John and we were set for the week. Cathy brought along a few treats. My big contribution....I brought along the ingredients to make a batch of Oatmeal cookies with cranberries and white chocolate chips for dessert one night. Ian joined us for a couple of nights since he was off. As I mentioned there was not much going it was a lot of relaxing, reading, talking and playing board games.
 We went down to the beach each day.

steps and walkway were buried

Cathy and Maris were looking for "treasures" and interesting driftwood.

found this tiny castle all by itself way at the end of the beach....deserted, windy and cold down there....all by itself
looking down the beach -coming up over the dune
 I just went along for the walk. Martha went golfing with the guys. We ventured out in the golf cart each day to check out the island and check things out. There was a sea turtle center and store, and a  few shops were open. Good for souvenirs and seeing what was on sale. Enjoyed getting a cup of specialty coffee each day too. :) Martha, Maris, Cathy and I took a walk each day...nice loop around through the woods,

 past the market, etc. We were lucky the weather cooperated! It was great without a lot of people around. Each time we stopped in for our daily coffee...all I could think was that in the summer it would be a madhouse....since they also sold ice cream. I"m sure the regulars love it...the kids feel right at home and can run around and play, ride bikes, etc without having to worry about cars (on service vehicles and golf carts) or anything really. I am curious what it's like in season....because like every where's growing bigger all the time.

nice view from our house at different times of the day

One morning a fishing boat was not too far offshore....the guys got excited and decided to try to catch a small gear to do it. They rigged some kind of line or two and hoped they might get something (the fish were probably not impressed) They were unsuccessful but Wim sure had fun trying!

lots of birds..........

cool clouds one kites with tails

We had a nice relaxing week. We enjoyed our time with Martha and Tony and Tony's sisters and their spouses. It was a fun group to "hang out" with. They were okay with not doing anything....or deciding to hop on the golf cart at a moments notice, or "take a quick walk"....good travel companions!
 Thanks to Martha and Tony for asking us to join them....while Martha, Andy, John and I all celebrated our December birthdays!

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