Monday, December 22, 2014

Time is running away from me

Okay...I figure if I'm going to finish up the story of our trip to Alabama, I'd better just do it, because Christmas will be here in three days! and then it's going to be 2015!
After our day back at the farm on Saturday...we were all invited to my niece Jennifer's house for a party that night. Everyone was supposed to be there...Justin and Darby were on their way back from their trip and stopping by to see us; so I was excited about that.
Jennifer was busy the day before hanging all her lights and decorating the back yard. It was like a wonderland back there....hahah

and there was lots to eat and drink. Naturally the big game was on TV----Alabama/Auburn. Even bigger rivalry than usual...because of the play-off implications for the winners/losers. And more importantly after the way Auburn came back to win last year! Alabama was out for revenge. The Alabama fans (Dave, John (sort of) and I, were out numbered by all the other Auburn graduates...Ryan, Dona, Darby, Justin, and their kids. (Ken, Sandy and Chase are TN fans...not sure who they were hoping would win). But luckily...Alabama was in control!

It was cold that night.....
                       not snowing...but cold enough to enjoy sitting by the fireplace.
Bill has been telling us about a magnum of champagne he has had for a few years...we decided this was the time to crack it open and have a family and friends.
The kids had fun running all around the yard.....There was a big tree house, slide and I'm not sure what else back there. Bill had told us earlier that Jennifer and Dave's yard was like a Sandals resort...hahah
While the adults watched the game, talked and ate....the kids had lots of fun.
Some of us checked out the "man cave" in the back. One of the kids trying out the deluxe massaging chair.
                                                    Others tried the elliptical machine
Back outside Jennifer came around with some S'mores dip she had made...I believe her words were something like"Ya'll need to eat this, because I made it myself and I don't cook anything" What's not to like about melted chocolate and mini marshmallows on bite sized graham crackers.
As the night wore on, the little girls found out Chase's girlfriend Becky was a cheer coach. Before long, she was in the back room teaching a couple of the girls a little routine.

"Gigi" and her grand daughters
                Becky (in blue) coaching the girls while they showed us their new routine
                                      Everyone had their cameras ready to capture the action
After the girls did their routine Chase showed us his skills...he jumped up (good jump) and did a sort of split and touched his toes...I wasn't quick enough to catch him in the act...but some did....hahah

                            I think Ken got one of the best pictures of Chase in action...hahah
                                                  Cousins, a second cousin and Uncle Ken
                                Switch-now it's the girls with their grandmother and Great Aunt Anne
The night was winding down. I was having a good time...enjoying the champagne...but trying not to talk any one's ear I tend to do sometimes. I did my best to chat with everyone and ....more importantly...listen to them...hahah. Actually I did more listening than talking that was nice to catch up on the latest goings on with family members we hadn't seen in 6,7,8 years. Before I left I had to take a quick peek at Ava's doll collection...she has a lot of American Girl dolls...and like Megan used to do...she has them all set up in her room...just the way she wants them. I know Sandy and Kathie thought I was a little loopy when I said I was going to stay a minute and I asked to see the dolls;and told the others to head home without me...hahah. But I just took a quick peek, talked to the girls about them for a minute and then walked down the street. As a matter of fact...I walk fast enough...that I actually got to the house right as the rest of the group was going in the front door. I think I surprised them...hahah they probably thought I'd be down at J & D's house talking the night away...looking at all the dolls and accessories

We took a couple more pictures before we all headed down the street to Bill and Kathie's house.
We had to get up early the next day to drive back to Florida, so we didn't want to stay too late.
John and I got up the next day early and got on the road, hoping to beat some of the traffic home. Our plan worked...we had "smooth sailing" the whole way home, no construction, no accidents (we passed at least three on the other side of the interstate along the way) and no rain! I had prepared myself for the in spite of the number of hours in the car...the trip back wasn't bad at all.We actually made it back in record time! It was a very nice Thanksgiving weekend.

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