Friday, January 23, 2015

I'm trying to catch up

Happy New Year!!!!....and just  forget that it's January 22nd already....hahah. I've done my best to keep up with all my holiday cards, letters, thank-you notes and birthday cards- we have a lot of birthdays in December/January; but I have a nagging feeling that I've forgotten something or someone. Eventually I will straighten out my desk and find a birthday card just waiting to be sent......
Slowly my decorations have gone back into their boxes and have been put away for another year; with one or two exceptions. The odd wreath or candle ring that I have convinced myself can carry over to Valentine's Day...hahah Anyway...I am slowly cleaning up and when I do, I always think more clearly. The more clutter...the harder it is for me to get focused.
I had really wanted to have a New Year's Day party...especially since the TV networks FINALLY got smart and went back to the old routine of having College Football Bowl games...ALL DAY long on New Year's day. I have missed that the last few years! I wanted to have a party...but also realized that we are going to have a party for Brenna's birthday in February...and we were going out of town on January7th.... so it was not the best timing. Luckily for us...our friend Devon decided he was going to have a party that day.

He is a big Alabama fan in case you hadn't noticed...he had his tree decorated with packets of sugar, hounds tooth ribbon and crimson Brenna had to get next to it for a photo. ( after posing by the big A out front). we all know Alabama didn't make it to the final game...but they had a good year...and we had a good time at the party.
Devon had roasted a pig; and while I'm not too fond of pork...I had a few of the crispy pieces and it was pretty good. Of course there were also lots of side dishes, like homemade macaroni and cheese, deviled eggs, salads, fish gumbo, chips and desserts. It was just like I would have done it...hahah
We got to test out the new corn hole set Devon got for Christmas.
After this group played,I partnered up with  another Josh...against Brenna and Josh...and we won.

It was a nice were swimming in the pool and we enjoyed the afternoon, evening out in the yard playing corn hole and paddle ball, before we sat down to watch the game. It was a nice start to 2015. I had to work on that Friday...and it was a little busy...but not terrible...and there were three of us. Most of the patrons were cheerful, so that always helps.....that and all the treats still on hand...hahaha
The week after, John and I were heading to Hawaii for a 12 day vacation. At the time we made the plans...I didn't really think about how quick it was going to come up after the holidays. I normally leave my tree up for a week or two after Christmas, but knew I wouldn't want to come back after 12 days and then have to pack it I took it down the weekend after the 1st. I am like the guy in the Geico commercial....watching all the neighbors taking down decorations and putting their trees out to the curb...and calling them "Quitters!" as he drags his tree back inside...hahahah that is me! Nothing is sadder than a tree by the curb the day after Christmas! It breaks my heart every time! hahaha
anyway...I worked Monday(5th) and Tuesday (6th) and then finished up my packing for our trip.
I am not the best traveler...I get nervous thinking about the plane ride...especially the 10hr trip from Atlanta to Honolulu!....but I tried not to think about it too much...and I did get some medicine from the DR to keep me calm en route. It makes all the difference...relaxes me enough so that I am not on edge the whole time, and sometime I can even sleep!
I had my list...but still over packed....oh well...I like choices...hahahah Also...since they don't serve meals on the flights, you have to practically pack a picnic lunch. Half the carry-on bag was an assortment of snacks....I didn't want to go hungry...hahaha
We left from Melbourne airport early and had a straight through flight from Atlanta to Honolulu,,,and happily it was smooth sailing for the whole trip. John and I had great seats with a little extra leg room and no one next to us. He watched a few movies....I tried to read, did Sudoku and tried to sleep. All in all, not too bad. We arrived in Honolulu a little after 4pm; and Tony picked us up. It was nice to be back at the house.
When Martha got home from work we had pizza and salad and a celebratory glass of champagne. Martha was working the next day...but Tony got off early. He and John made a plan to go to the country club for 9 holes of golf. I decided to go ride along and enjoy the scenery.
I thought John looked a little like these birds ...hahahah
same colors
After the guys finished golfing, Martha met us for dinner. John, Tony and I made a quick change and met her for the Italian Night Buffet. Everything was pretty tasty. We talked over our plans for the next day. Martha was working half a day and then we were all heading to Maui for the next 3 days. The Hyundai Tournament of Champions was being held there as well as  a big dinner/concert for the golfers and sponsors and guests and a 5K walk Saturday morning. Hyundai donates money to the hospital every year that goes towards research for curing childhood cancer. It was going to be a great weekend...more on that later.

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