Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Thanksgving Weekend

The day after Thanksgiving we all slept in a little.

Kathie has all kinds of holiday decorations around her house
 John and I took a walk around Bill & Kathie's neighborhood. Years ago they lived a few blocks up the we walked over to the old neighborhood and walked around the block a few times.It was fun to see the Alabama and Auburn fans with all their team decorations up...(just like FL/FSU fans down our way)...because after all, it was a big weekend for football fans. when we got back to the house everyone was starting to move around. Kathie gave Sandy, Becky and I a tour of her gardens and her greenhouse. I've seen pictures of the garden in full's lovely; this was a view of the garden at rest. We decided to go to a few stores in was Black Friday after all. I just wanted to go to a few of the local stores that I only see when in town; none of us were interested in hitting the mall for "big" sales...just a few local shops in town. Seeing all the Christmas decorations was nice, it kind of got me in the holiday mood. I had been trying to avoid being around  too much "Christmas" stuff , I like it more if I wait until after Thanksgiving.
The four of us shopped around town and then made our way back to the house.
Ryan, Dona and family had invited us all over to their house for dinner Friday night. When we were last in town, their house was under construction, so I was looking forward to seeing it (...done and lived in for several years.).
We got over there right around dark; so I didn't really see what the yard and outside area looked like.

living room
Anne and nephew Ryan
Ryan with Aunt Sandy
Dona chatting with Becky and Kathie
Dinner was nice. It gave us a chance to sit and talk with our great-nieces and nephews. As I mentioned, we last saw them 6 years ago, so they didn't really remember us. We heard about various school and sports activities they are all involved in. It turns out the Dona started teaching a 3 year old pre-school class this year, so she and I traded stories about reasons why we like being around little kids day in and day out. we may or may not have talked about various crazy parents too...hahah
As I expected...they had a lovely home. It's big...but comfortable and very homey. Not over done at all.
We made a plan to go back to the farm the next day with part of the gang; and then we were all going to my niece Jennifer's house that night. Even Justin and Darby were going to join us...they were on their way back from Illinois at that point.
Saturday was another beautiful but sunny. We walked around the property. John was showing me some of the spots Bill had showed him the day before. we took a nice long walk around the blueberry patch and some of the rows of trees...all the way out to the neighboring property where there was cotton growing. I had to sneak over (not really one was around) and pick some cotton.
view out the front door...pretty on a late November day
John, Bill, Chase, Ken and I took the golf carts over to the creek to look for some more "artifacts" and treasures. Chase had a metal detector...they had found a few things the day before and he was eager to go back and see what else might be out there.
John told me there were plenty of big trees over in that area, so there might be one easy enough to climb. we found this one...we didn't get too high...I know my limits...hahaha but it was fun to get up in a big tree!

Me and my nephew Chase
wouldn't be a trip to the woods without me stopping to look at the leaves
After exploring around a bit down by the water, John and I decided to walk back to the house. It was a nice long walk back and it felt great being outside on a beautiful day. There were plenty of left overs to finish off and we just relaxed. Jennifer and Ava stopped by to visit.
Ava, Kathie,Jennifer,Anne & Sandy
Chase showing off his "finds"
Uncle Johnny with great niece Ava
Great Aunt Anne and Ava telling each other stories
Nice afternoon sun on the lake behind him in this photo.

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