Thursday, August 14, 2014

August in New York

Last Friday, John and I flew up to Cortland , NY to visit Ellen, Erik and Anna and to attend the Jets Training Camp.Martha flew in from Hawaii on Sunday. So we had a mini reunion and had fun checking out the program.
School is out for the the campus is pretty quiet till the Jets come to town. Actually the whole town is pretty quiet...and the influx of team, support staff and fans is always a good thing!
 We stopped at this local spot more than once during our visit. The owner knows E & we were treated like one of the locals...

out for a walk..posing by sign across the street from Ellen and Erik's house
Now...neither John nor I are true Jets fans....I'm from Pittsburgh and it doesn't matter that I've been in Florida for over 45 years...I'm still a Pittsburgher at heart...and that means I root for the Steelers. John has always been a Dolphins fan....but that is not  always easy...hahahah in recent years anyway. Since the Jets began going to Cortland for their camp...I have become a fan. As long as it doesn't come down to a showdown between the Steelers and Jets...I'll root for them. When Tebow was there for a season...most Gators cheered for him.......however...the Dolphin fans really really don't like the Jets...hahahah...they are big rivals.
I  actually got to go to a couple of match-ups in the past (20 some yrs ago)....both of which were won by the Jets. I was on a bus full of mostly drunk disappointed Dolphin fans....secretly glad that the Jets had won....because for whatever reason...I just never have been a fan of Miami. I just can't root for them ...hahah.
I also like Rex Ryan who is the head coach of the Jets. I like his sense of humor and the fact that he seems like he loves what he does. A lot of head coaches are so serious...and I understand is big business...but I like it when people have fun AND do their jobs.
Everyone wondered why we would want to go to JETS camp?????? the answer is easy...Why not? when would we get an opportunity to do something like this anywhere else. Because my brother-in-law is the president of the university...we were automatically VIPs. with field passes! Very cool!
                         We got to go in the back way...where the players and coaches enter. (Got to check out some of the players vehicles....lots of nice looking, BIG trucks, etc.)

There was a kids area set up on one side of the field. Also some bleachers,  a gift shop (set up Disney style...hahah you had to go through the gift shop to get to the stands) and tent for special guests. The team and the University had the tent on alternate days. When the school had the tent, they could invite alumni and donors and special friends of the University. Team days usually included season ticket holders, sponsors, etc. Coffee, juice,water and breakfast was served each morning.(eggs, hash browns, bacon, assorted fruit) The first 50 kids to enter the "play" area were given special wrist bands that entitled them to go to a designated area at the end of practice to meet some of the players and get autographs. Other fans could sit or stand on the side lines (behind a "fence").....where they could also try to get autographs after practice. Different player groups signed on different days....linesmen, tackles, etc.
Students have been able to get hands on experience during the training camps....some film the practice.....
some work with the trainers, etc. I think Erik said about 15 graduates have been hired by the organization since the partnership started. The Jets are the only team that allows fans to be down on the sidelines during the practice. Typically, Erik takes groups of about 10 people down along the sideline to watch for about 25-30 minutes. Of course no videos can be taken...but pictures are allowed.

We got to watch the coaches and players walking in and Ellen and Erik introduced us to a couple of them.
Rod Graves-Sr Director of Football Administration was kind enough to stop and chat with us
Cortland staff had red staff wore green...only players in red were the quarterbacks
It was interesting to watch and fun too. enjoyed seeing the other fans getting the tour; some were very surprised to be able to get on the sidelines. One family brought sauce from their restaurant as a gift to Erik. They told us they drove 4 hours to get to the site...but loved it and hoped to come back next year. A few of the staff people we talked to also told us how much they enjoyed coming to Cortland for the camp. They feel getting the team away as a group cuts down on distractions and helps them bond as a team. I know the coaches like it...and with any other words a winning season...I think they plan to come back. If they do...we'll be back was fun! More next time! There were some special guests on Sunday.

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