Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Jets Training Camp (with the stars)

After Martha arrived in NY she joined us at the Training camp. The Jets had the tent for the day...season ticket holders, sponsors, etc. We still had the SUNY Cortland ladies serving food...breakfast sandwiches, bacon, hash browns, fruit and juice and coffee. Martha, Anna, Ellen and I went shopping the tent. Martha picked up a few things ; and we got a few odds and ends. The weather was perfect again...we really lucked out! Martha and I both got T-shirts. And I had to laugh when I over heard other people (parents) saying to their family members.."Why do you want that? You're not even really a Jets fan?" Well...I'll tell you...even if you aren't when you first get can't help but be a fan when you leave. You see these guys working hard to make the our case we got to meet some of them...and you can't help but be a fan.I've been rooting for them for the past few years...ever since they started going to Cortland. You gain a new appreciation for what they do. John who's a Miami fan at heart...will root for the Jets this year...when they aren't playing his team...anyway. Martha will too I'm guessing...if she watches at all. (she keeps pretty busy...don't think she spends too much time watching football)
Once again we watched the players coming in to the practice.

Anna ready with her football, Martha, Anne and Ellen
Erik was expecting a special guest that day. William Fitchner (actor in a bunch of movies...TMNT, Elysium, Lone Ranger, The Perfect Storm to name a few) had contacted him about a project he was working on. He had hoped to film (I think) something at Cortland...but because of Training Camp schedule...Erik had to turn him down...however he told him if he was in the area he should stop by and check out Training Camp. He did...and he brought one of his good friends...Kim Coates ( TIG-Sons of Anarchy).  I have to admit, when Erik mentioned he was expecting William...I really wasn't sure who he was talking about. Erik assured us we would recognize him as soon as we saw him...and we did. When he arrived...Erik was down on the field with a group. John spotted them as soon as they walked into the tent. He went over and introduced himself and told them the what was going on. IN a few minutes Erik was back.

Ellen and John with the guys
Erik telling them about the fields, the arrangement with the team, etc
Turns out Kim is actually a Buffalo fan...but William is a Jets fan. (Martha wasn't even sure who she was coming to see...hahah...not really...she remembered...but she doesn't have a "team"). The guys were interested to hear the story...asked some questions and enjoyed their tour. At some point one of the trainers ran over when she spotted Kim. She told him there are three guys on the team who call themselves the "Sons of Anarchy"...Wilkerson, Harrison and Richardson...they are huge fans of the show and she wondered if he would be there long enough for them to come over and meet him and get a picture with him after practice. (about 15 minutes before it ended) He agreed to hang around.
By now some of the other people had kind of figured out who they were...and Erik's assistant was trying to figure out how to get a "selfie" with Kim because her sons love the show. I was acting like the agent hahah...told her "Go ask...they'll be glad to take a picture with you" I had anything to say in the matter..but I said that because it was true. They were super nice and happy to take pictures with whoever asked. We were chatting with them a bit while practice wrapped up.
Here's the Son with the "sons"...they enjoyed meeting him. The photographer was running around snapping pictures and people were jumping in and out of group shots...and I was enjoying watching the whole thing! I really was. Of sisters will tell you...I was like some kind of groupie...totally unlike my usual personality...I was asking for autographs,  asking for pictures...etc. Well...Erik suddenly said..."I bet Rex is a fan of the show. Here I'll introduce you to him" Kim said something like..."Oh I don't want to bother him..." I was like...Yes, yes...introduce them...hahah because I was planning on taking some photos! I figured that was as close as I was going to get to meeting Rex Ryan....I'd have to settle for a few photos from just a few feet away. Sure enough Rex said "Tig is my favorite character" and came right over to meet him.
William Fitchner, Rex Ryan, Kim Coates and Nick Mangold

I don't think any of them noticed me...the crazy person hovering around with my little camera...hahah
After a few minutes the guys decided they needed to start heading out...they had places to go.They shook hands, gave Ellen, Martha and I a hug...thanked us and then we all headed back to the tent...and I watched everyone along the way scrambling for their cameras to get pictures!
it was kind of funny I had them lined up, then Kim said...Wait turn it around this way...the lighting will be better...a true veteran of many, many pictures!
John was back in the tent during all I had to get a picture of him with them. Also one final shot of them with Erik...since he's the reason they were there in the first place. Then they had to slowly make their way out...stopping for many  photos on the was. The police/security guys (jokingly (?) asked if they need a security detail to walk them to their car...mainly because they wanted a photo too...hahah One of the policemen was kind of hesitant...but I saw he had his phone out...he wanted a picture...once again...I acted like the agent..."Sure...just ask them...they'll be glad to take one"...but they did...and I really think they had as much fun as all of the rest of us did. It just took them a while to get to their car! After they left I went and got a couple of autographs...for one of our friends.
And that was Training Camp for John and I...Martha was there for another day with Ellen and Erik.

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