Monday, August 4, 2014

Summer is winding down

Our summer programs are winding tomorrow and one Thursday and that's it!
Summer has flown by! The kids around here will be going back to school August 18th. That seems early...but it's actually a week later than the last couple of years.
a few of the kids came in their pirate themed the one little boy with the orange shoes...there were pirates, sharks, etc...I love when kids dress for the theme!
It's been a fun summer. I've had a good group at StoryTime for the last year and most came pretty regularly this summer...with the exception of one week when I only got four and two of them left early. I don't know what to expect once school starts...since many of my little friends will be heading off to pre-school. If they go M-W-F some of them still come see me on Thursday mornings. We'll see. I also have some moving up from Ms. Di's Toddler Time. Last week we had pirate stories...this week we're doing end of summer stories and we'll have a little party. I have some special treats set aside for them. :)
John is 5 weeks down with one to go to start his rehab on his shoulder. So far all is going well....and he's not too crazy! He's been to the movies a few times, bid a couple of jobs, gone to lunch...and taken lots of bike rides and walks during his down time.

we also put new slings on a few patio chairs...well actually only was a pain...we'll do the other two soon...after one John said "Should we do another...Brenna and I both said NO!!!!
 He almost went fishing yesterday...kept telling me "Don't be alarmed..." (yeah right) but I guess the good lord intervened or Hurricane Bertha because the conditions changed Saturday night/Sunday morning...and he decided it was better NOT to go. I woke up and he said..."You don't have to worry anymore...I decided not to go" It was a good call too...because we had storms off and on all day and it would not have been fun out on the water! Now I don't have to worry because he's occupied this week and we are heading up to NY this Friday.
John and I are heading to Ellen and Erik's to see what's happening at the NY Jets Training camp. They train at SUNY Cortland...where Erik is we get some VIP treatment! I am looking forward to seeing what it's all about...and if by chance I meet Rex Ryan...(who shares the same birthday as me...I read his book last year and learned that tidbit...hahah)...that would be even better! I am really a Steeler fan...but have rooted for the Jets a little since they've been training at Cortland and when they had Tim Tebow. Martha will be joining us it should be a nice long weekend...and temperatures are expected to be high 50's/low 60's for the Low and high 70's/low 80's for the high...which sounds just about right for me!
Here it's been hot with afternoon thunderstorms....we had a couple of big storms

Next post will be from Training camp! Can't wait to see who we run into........

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