Tuesday, May 27, 2014

It was time for a party

This past weekend we decided it was about time that we got together with our friends and had a cookout. My friend heather and I have been talking about this for a couple of months now, but for a variety of reasons, we just never made a plan. I decided since we had a long weekend that I was going to get a few friends together one way or another. I casually mentioned it to a couple people who all sounded interested.
seems that no one had plans
John went fishing early in the week and I told him I was thinking about a cookout. He was tired from being up since 3am and fishing all day...he paused and said "I don't think I'm really up for a party"...
me - "Well guess what, that's  too bad because I've already got a plan in the works"...hahah  I told him he was too tired to think anything was a good idea...and I'd check back with him after he got a good nights sleep. Sure enough the next day he said...a party sounded like a good idea. And our little party got bigger and bigger as the week went on.

The funny thing was that every single person we talked to had no plans and was happy to have something to do. Everyone offered to bring something and we were on for Sunday afternoon/evening.
                                  and I kept buying more chicken...hahah

M was squirting us with these two little toys...She's a nice kid...I was happy she came over
Sunday evening we all enjoyed the slight breeze on a HOT day....and hopped in the pool which felt great.
we ate burgers, chicken, corn salad, quinoa salad, fruit salad, macaroni salad, tomato cucumber salad, humus, guacamole and a couple of other dips..... and of course cookies, etc for dessert. Heather brought all the things we needed to have "California Burgers"...sprouts, guacamole, provolone cheese, bacon, tomatoes and onions...and made a sign with instructions...hahaha. Everyone had plenty to eat and left with a doggie bag! hahah
Our new neighbors came over and met everyone. They enjoyed the collection of friends...and the food.
Last night we went over to their house for dinner...a Memorial Day Cookout. They like having holiday celebrations...once again Cathy had the porch decorated in red,white and blue. Brenna and Josh, John and I, the new neighbors who bought the house next door and another couple all came. The lady fixing up the house next door and the gal who sold Joe and Cathy their house had a bit of a power struggle going on that was interesting to watch. Brenna tried to chime  in and change the subject once or twice...but "Stacy" and "Anna Marie" kept at it.At one point Stacy walked over to me and muttered under her breath "That woman!"
Haha...John ducked into the next room to get out of the way...and the rest of us watched to see how it was going to play out. Both were nice enough...Stacy was a little much...but not terrible...Anna Marie was a little hard to take...talking about their various homes, her two daughters and their full scholarships, the wedding in Kennebunkport Maine...(you get the idea)...after a certain point you just wanted to say "yeah yeah we get it lady"...hahah  But, that said... I have seen her working on the house next door and you can see that she is not afraid to get in there and get dirty and sweat and work hard...so I have to give her that. If she lived next door I might get tired of all the "stories" bragging. hahaha Not sure what Joe and Cathy and Aunt Mary thought about the whole thing. Meanwhile Joe cooked up some delicious burgers, hotdogs and sausages, fresh corn on the cob, etc. It wasn't quite as hot as the night before and it was a nice evening in spite of the "competition" going on. It's kind of nice having neighbors who like to celebrate a holiday...no matter which one it is....because as Mike R and I discussed on Sunday night...he's been too busy to have all the parties like he  ( and Denise of course) used to....and we have our share...but  we miss the get togethers we used to have....because they didn't seem so few and far between....

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