Thursday, May 22, 2014

A long weekend in DC

I made this for Megan and Marcus...we saw a similar item in a catalog for about $150.00...I'm no expert but I figured I could recreate something similar....fortunately the dog in the catalog picture looked a lot like I could "copy" itMarcus had it framed for their anniversary
Megan and Marcus just celebrated their first anniversary and it was time for the annual Reston Art Festival so both of those reasons sounded like one good reason to head up to Virginia for the weekend. As it turns out...David opted out of the show...but since Bridget, Destin, John and I were already planning to be there...he got a last minute ticket and flew up too. We got to visit with Rob and Shane, Marcus's parents Tom and Laura, and my nephew Ryan  who drove up from Charlottesville. After some very heavy rains earlier in the week...the weather cleared up for a beautiful spring weekend! The highs were in the upper 60's-low 70's sunny with a few was great!( I never got hot once! hahaha)
  We got to check out the new condo M &; M moved into after the wedding.They now have an extra we stayed at their place. David and Ryan were at Rob's and Bridget and Destin had a room at the Westin  in Reston. (hahah how do you l like that tongue twister...) We were in Falls Church.

view from the balcony

trees out front

walked down the street for dinner on Friday evening
part of one course was flooded after the rains this was after one day
lots of standing water but it was receding
you can see where water was over the bridge

Saturday we booked a room at the Lansdowne Resort...just down the road from Rob's house. Nice resort with a nice golf course. They had a special going included golf for two. John and Marcus golfed on Saturday. Megan and I headed to the art show... shopping in Reston. I did look at the art...but spent plenty of time in the various shops downtown. That night we had plans to all join up back at Rob and Shane's for a fish cookout...courtesy of the 58lb fish John and friends caught the previous week.

Marcus, Megan, Ryan and Tom in the background
Aunt Anne with Shane
out back--Shane, Bridget, Destin and John
inside after dark...David had us laughing with some of us wild tales about his friend Buddy....John must've looking for "legs" in the wine glass...Ryan is amused...
we met up with Jeni on to meet Jia...and hold her...she's a cutie. M & M aren't in any hurry to have children...that's fine with me...never want my kids to think they need to have kids for ME...I love kids...but I can always find one...hahah
  Enjoyed seeing Jeni and the baby...on yet another beautiful day. We walked around a bit and then headed back to the condo. We had a late lunch/early dinner and then headed to the airport for our trip home. Megan was packing for San Fransisco...she had to leave the next day. The weekend was fun,and relaxing. We had a good time visiting with everyone.

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