Monday, June 2, 2014

Good-bye and Hello

Recently attended a good-bye party for my friend Patti P. We worked together at the Meadowlane Library back in 1980. Actually, when I first graduated from UF I worked for the Brevard County Recreation Dept. At one point I hired Patti's husband, Barry. We worked together for about a year or so; then I decided it was time for a change.when Barry asked me one day "How's it going" and I launched into a 1/2 hour complaint...I knew it was time to move on...hahah
I wasn't sure what I was going to do next...Barry told me to go talk to Patti at the library (also Brevard County) because she was hiring a Children's Librarian. Now you might wonder how a Recreation degree would get you a job at the library?????but actually I had taken classes in planning programs, organizing events, it wasn't as big a stretch as you'd think. I took his advice...she interviewed and hired me...and the rest is history............... I did leave after I had Brenna, but returned to work for Patti several more times over the years. Filled in for people on leave a couple of times, then ended up back at DeGroodt Library for about 1 1/2 yrs back in 2003-4; until a position opened up at Melbourne Beach. (MB 10 minutes away-DeGroodt-45 minutes depending on traffic). We always had fun working together. Patti was a good boss...organized, fair and firm when she needed to  be. She's retired now and off to another county to live closer to her family.
It was Hello! to Martha and Tony who were in Orlando last Friday for the day. ON their way to a meeting in Barbados...had one day/one night in Orlando. John and I drove over Friday morning. John got a room at the Shingle Creek Resort. We had been talking about going there with some John decided this was a good time to check it out. They had a great deal on a room that included golf for 4. Perfect! We drove over and picked up Martha and Tony at the airport Hyatt...and went to check out the Shingle Creek resort.
the place is huge!
The view from our room...three pools...this one
When we arrived they told us they had a lot of people checking in that day...we didn't see that many people in the morning...but when we came back from golf...they were all checking in.
We ended up behind a group of golfers...and the last team (ahead of us) was particularly bad....I'm no expert...but these guys & girl were pretty bad. The first guy took three swings before he connected on the first tee...I think it went downhill from there...hahah It was a little frustrating...we kept catching up to them...then teams behind us were getting backed up. Oh well...John was taking it kind of easy because of his maybe it worked out after all. Unfortunately when we finished the 7th hole...a storm was moving in and the radar detected lightning in the aera. We got a message on our computer screen (in the cart) saying the was a weather alert...return to the clubhouse...this was not optional. Interesting...we didn't see the lightning...but if they detect in within 15 miles...they stop play; wait 25 minutes and start again if it's clear. We waited a bit...then decided to call it quits. It was about 3:30 in the we John figured by the time we got Martha and Tony back to their hotel, etc...we would still be able to beat the Friday evening traffic. So...we didn't spend as much time with Martha and Tony as we had expected...but we did enjoy a little golf and a nice lunch. When we got back to our hotel ...we noticed an increase in the activity/noise level hahah. There apparently was a big Lacrosse tournament that weekend, somewhere nearby...because we saw several hundred kids with lacrosse nets, parents, etc, everywhere! In the pools, on the grounds, in the was crazy! But they were having a blast. Later when we ate in the dining room down stairs...we saw more...hahah The parents all seemed to be out near the pool bar... and the kids were traveling around in packs of 10-15. No one really got out of hand...but it was fun to watch the goings on. Mostly the younger kids...14 and under is my guess. We figured the older kids (mostly boys) were" too cool" to be running around down by the pool with the parents and the younger kids...hahah It must've been a big tournament!
we sat outside that evening- in the kind of cool air (after a hot, humid day) and watched everyone. Lots of teams from Miami area, Jupiter, Palm Beach, Port St Lucie area.
posing for some cheesy shots...hahah

It was a nice day trip. The rates were very reasonable, golf course wasn't in great shape...but nice enough. (recent routine maintenance've got to do it sometime) Definitely worth going back again.
Now it's back to reality...hahah.... after two weeks in a row with days off.

1 comment:

  1. believe it or not...I checked my spelling while I was writing the post...but didn't do a final check...and just now cleared up some of the errors...which I should have done before I hit "Publish"...oh well.....
