Wednesday, April 16, 2014

I just can't help myself

Haha When somebody mentions the word "Party" the first thing that comes to my mind is "we are going to need the right playlist for that"
Always...I just can't help myself...whether people ask for/want it...hahah I immediately start thinking about what the soundtrack should be. Sometimes I actually get to play the music...but even if I don't I sure have fun listening to songs, putting them together and as Billy Idol says "Dancin With Myself".
 A friend is turning 60 soon...actually a lot of friends are turning 60 this year so I am putting together a suitable music mix for what I think a  60 yr old birthday party should have...hahahand I'm having a good time in the process.
Speaking of good times...I am looking forward to the "Tracy & Hank Spino Annual Easter Breakfast" get together this coming Sunday (of course). Many of the original group are no longer here to share in the celebration...but those that are, will be there and it'll be a wonderful time as always. Next weekend is the annual Melbourne Art Festival and birthday fun. Kind of quiet around here lately...but making plans and looking forward to upcoming events. In the meantime....
We had fun watching the Gators make it to the Final Four....too bad they couldn't go all the way...but honestly I was worried about meeting up with Kentucky again...
Kiena turned 14!
She's doing pretty well for her age....
Enjoyed a Volunteer Appreciation Brunch at the Library...the volunteers all enjoyed it and it was nice having some time to chat and relax with them.
Stopped by my friends class to read again...and laughed (to myself) when I read the book "Never Smile a Monkey" about dangerous animals and why to avoid them. One girl claimed to have done many of the things cautioned against...such as
Petting a Platypus, getting close to a bear (told me there was one in her back yard...followed but a man trying to shoot it...aha, ), of course touched a jellyfish (not the deadly one I guess...haha) among other things...when I got to don't stare at a cobra...she started to tell a story about a snake...and I almost lost it and have not ever seen a spitting cobra...hahaha...just kept my mouth shut and tried to avoid calling on her...hahah meanwhile the kid in front of her at one point looked at me, shook his head and said "the stories..." hahah Ahhh first graders....
Have had a nice little group at Story Time for the last few months...not too big, not too small...and just a pleasant little group. I love playing them a song each week to move around to...and watching the little ones dancing around. Old Hap Palmer cds I've had (first  on records, then cd)...the kids always like them, and Raffi of course.
This month I've had some visitors who happened to be in town on Spring Break. They come in with grandparents, etc... it's so nice to see them come back 2-3 years in a row...makes me feel like I'm doing something right. Those are my favorite two hours every week. Tomorrow we are having Easter/Spring stories, some little games and songs...and decorating Rice Krispie treats with frosting and go-to treat for ST celebrations. They get a treat, a small plastic knife, a dab of frosting to spread, and sprinkles to top it off. Always a hit. An edible craft to enjoy. But now...I need to get to bed...or I won't be very perky tomorrow...hahah

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