Tuesday, April 1, 2014

You're in luck...

For the last few months we have talked about getting a fire pit for the pool deck or back yard. We've had a couple of the $99.00 kind from Target...they each lasted one season and then the rust drove John crazy...hahah (It's kind of like the pool...start with plastic kiddie pool, next the inflatable pool that's about 1 1/2-2 ft deep, then the above ground pool...then just go all in and get a" real" pool. hah)
 Several months back on a random trip to Lowe's we saw a kit...and John surprised me when he said "Now that's something I would do. I'll have to think about that." Charlie and Gayle got one for Christmas, Brenna and Josh's  neighbors have one...and each time we see them we think...we should get one.
Well, John decided today was the day...so he planned to get one on his morning trip to Lowe's. He got there, looked around and couldn't find the "kits". asked the sales clerk where they were." Well...it is April 1st...and the guy told John they don't carry them anymore...But we do have the floor model...I'll give you that one, lava rock and all for $125.00." (a deal!)
So John thought about it for a minute and said Let's do it. So they loaded the entire thing up onto a pallet and put it into the back of John's truck. He drove home 20 miles an hour (flashers on) with a fire pit in back of his truck...hahah
(No one honked at him...they just went around...that's lucky thing number two. hahah) And "Voila! we have a new fire pit.

finished product
nice morning!
So about an hour later...we're all set. Now we just need a little more lava rock and a grate and we'll be good to go. Who cares if winter's over...hahah
*When I mentioned that I wasn't  sure what we were going to have for dinner John said"I know what we're having...hotdogs on sticks and s'mores." hahah (don't think so)

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