Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter morning

We had plans to get up early and go to Sunrise Service on Easter morning. There was only a 10% chance of rain...so we weren't concerned...but when we woke up...it was a little chilly and a little damp. We decided to go ahead...and bring a golf umbrella to sit under just in case the rain didn't let up.
At first it didn't look like there were that many people...but John looked down on the beach and that's where the crowds were.
You can see the clouds were hanging low and it was spitting rain...but not too terrible. I must say the technical team did a pretty good job considering the last minute challenges with the wind and rain. It was a little hard to hear...but we know the story...
The sermon was loud and clear...so that was good. Josh had dropped John, Brenna and I off...and when the mass ended we didn't waste any time getting out to the road for him to pick us up...hahah Poor John didn't think to bring a jacket...the weather has been pretty warm, pretty nice...but the damp air and breezy conditions were a little uncomfortable if you didn't have the right clothes on. The umbrella did double duty...kept rain off when it was falling...when it wasn't it was good for blocking the wind.
After mass it was off to the Hogg's for the "Annual Hank and Tracy Spino Easter Breakfast".
The crowd was a little thinner this year...not everyone was in town and a few of the older members of the group couldn't make it due to health issues...but we did enjoy seeing those that came.
There were lots of tasty breakfast dishes...everyone brought something to share and enjoy. Several varieties of quiche, breakfast casseroles, assorted breads, coffee cakes, fruit, yogurt, granola, etc....all good. I think the deviled eggs were the first to go...I know that was my first stop...because I can't seem to make them properly.

representatives from the Madden family and Spino family...hahah
Only ONE little one this year...this cute little baby who's mom works with Stephanie. There were lots of eggs hidden in the yard...but only a couple of older girls there  to search for them. I'm sure they didn't mind!
the Fiore gang out on the porch...they had almost all of their family in town  this year.
The weather did improve as the day went on...it was nice enough for a good bike ride later in the day after our naps of course...hahah It was a little quieter than in years past...but it was  still a nice day with old friends...and plenty of good food.
Later that afternoon/evening...I invited Brenna and Josh over for some Buttermilk Blueberry Pancakes and bacon...that we had for dinner!
All in all it was Happy Easter enjoyed by all of us.

1 comment:

  1. posting coffee cakes and then blueberry buttermilk pancakes...
