Sunday, March 2, 2014

Another beautiful day

John was out of town yesterday, so I decided to join Brenna and Josh at the local Seafood Festival....Brenna told me I looked a little wind blown, hahah but I wanted the  sign in the background. Those palm fronds make my hair looked spiked up...hahah
 The festival has been held annually since 1965....during which time I have attended...twice. Once with my Mom and Dad back when Hubert Humphrey was campaigning for president; I remember because I got to shake his hand and I was so excited. (I was a Democrat even then! hahah) One other time about 25- 30 years ago...because this is kind of event...lots of people,lots of  lines, NOT tops on John's list of fun things to do. Brenna on the other hand...enjoys it. He was gone, it was a beautiful day...they were driving...why not go. We parked at the shuttle lot...and caught a bus down to the festival site. Very easy and free...not too long of a wait.
 First of the ticket booths..I must say as soon as we walked in...I was reminded why I haven't been in 30 some years...hahah. There were people everywhere.....John would've NEVER gone in.  :)
Things were pretty organized and before long we started off with tickets in hand.Brenna made a beeline for the Conch Fritters booth. They weren't bad...better than some restaurants serve, but not like the ones we get when our friends make them of course. Located right next to the Conch Fritters...the Sweet Puppies...that Josh had his eye on.(I had a taste... at this point in my life, if I'm going to eat something bad...I want to love it...otherwise I'll pass hahahJosh really enjoyed them) We walked past the dancers and the band...who sounded pretty good....many were enjoying the show. Made our way over to the Fried Shrimp booth. (I must admit...I figured "How can you screw up fried shrimp?" hahah They were pretty tasty. Poor Brenna finally got hers and  got bumped by a man still waiting in line...and she promptly lost 4 onto the ground. Funny...everyone watched them fall and a collective "Ohhhhhhhhh No" was heard. I had between mine and the ones that didn't fall to the ground...we still had enough to go around.

                        Like a good kid...after she ate her "dinner" Brenna wanted some Cotton Candy.
 My observations during this time.... had the  Surgeon General stopped by this event...he would have been a little dismayed. Let's just say there was plenty to choose from...but almost all of it was fried.
 We knew some of our friends were we set out to find them. As we walked around, Brenna ran into some friends from high school...and we saw one of her best friends from 5th grade...Valerie and her husband. That was fun.
we found a little patch of shade under the trees next to the playground
 Found our friends over at the playground area.  Josh got to meet them...and they finally got to meet the guy they've heard about for the last two years.When I said it had been over 30 years since I had been there...Heather said the whole place was looking pretty good this year...apparently everything had gotten a fresh coat of paint since last year. hahah
 Our friend had  "a bag of books"...hahah...only one was leaking...hahaha luckily no one noticed
It was a beautiful day...there was a great I'm sure they raised a lot of money...and it's a really good cause (scholarship money for local kids) the organizers must've been happy. Like any hometown festival...the locals probably had a great time with their families and friends...because everyone is usually there. We ran in to a few people we knew and it was kind of fun....but............... I don't need to rush back down anytime soon. And with John...I won't have to...hahaha

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