Wednesday, February 26, 2014

First big catch this year!

John, Reid and Chandler starting to unload the cooler on the boat
John decided to let Chandler pass them down to him...because some of them were too heavy
lots of fish...they just kept coming
They got mostly Wahoo and Mahi. Caught their limit of Wahoo and then a bunch Mahi and a couple of Snappers and Groupers. Here's one of the biggest ones....there were a lot of fish to clean...after the pictures of course.
              First they had to line them all up...moving fast so they wouldn't get too warm...Ben was taking pictures...I think his were better than some of mine...(notice the heads cut off...hahah)
Then....the cleaning began. Ron and Chandler got started and then Ben helped out.  John did a couple...but mostly supervised and portioned it out in bags.
They cleaned fish for about 4 hours...during that time many people stopped by to check things out. Mike R. came by to trade lobster and crab for Wahoo. He stepped in to clean a couple too, I believe. They finished right around sunset.
The plan was to get together again on Friday evening for Happy Hour and lots of fish appetizers. John told everyone..."Just Fish...and whatever you bring to drink." Word got out and Friday night we had about 35 people over. We might've had even more...except we had a thunderstorm right around the time we had planned to start. Some people who had hoped to come...opted out...didn't want to drive up and get rained out. Actually we lucked out...the rain moved through our part of town relatively quickly...cooled things off and cleaning up the back area where they had cleaned all the fish....and then moved out. We had seared and grilled fish and some sushi. Mike brought some of his "famous" lobster and artichoke dip, Ben made some poki and we had an assortment of other salads and chips...plenty of food and drink for everyone...and lots of leftovers too...(not the hot dip though !)
Getting started
There was only one "person" who over did know the one that gets a little carried away and over indulges....and that was none other than.....
She was making the rounds...eating anything that dropped and getting into areas that I don't usually let her go...for that very reason. She knew we weren't really paying attention...and she took advantage...hahah. At one point our friend Teresa came up to me and said."Is Kiena supposed to be eating that bag of fish?' Apparently John had set it down for a minute, got distracted, and Kiena moved in "for the kill". She was helping herself to big chunks of Wahoo when Teresa spotted her. John got it away from her and she acted like all was normal...hahah. I figured she would be throwing up all night...but surprisingly she was not. She did however need to make a few extra trips to the back yard the next day...hahah
 All in all it was a fun time that we all enjoyed (especially Kiena!). The guys sold some fish, gave some to our neighbors and friends...and we ate well at the party. It was great.
After a slow fishing season last year...things are off to a good start in 2014! Hope this continues!

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