Sunday, March 9, 2014

An unexpected afternoon at the ballpark

got my new "limited edition" mugs
Yesterday John and I set off to test out my new golf clubs at the driving range. We were going to hit some balls and then go have lunch at LongDoggers in Viera....but as we headed out we decided  the it might be smarter to go eat first and beat the lunch crowd...then go to the driving range. It was a beautiful day and as we drove along we were talking, and realized that there was probably a Nationals game that afternoon; (It was a perfect day for a ballgame) which was another reason we should go eat first. We were one of the first ones at the restaurant ; but it didn't take long for others to start arriving. Most were decked out in Nationals or Braves(the day's opponent) attire...which was kind of fun. There were also a few Gator fans in the the Gators had their  final regular season match-up with Kentucky scheduled to start at 12:00. We chatted with "Slice", the manager and as we were talking he offered us tickets to the game. LD is a sponsor of the Nationals team this spring and the restaurant has season tickets for Spring Training. We hadn't planned on going...but decided we weren't doing anything why not? I've kind of been wanting to go to a game so this was perfect.
 (The only thing we didn't have was sunscreen...but we didn't plan to stay all afternoon so we decided we'd be ok. Besides I had on long pants and a long sleeved shirt and a visor, so at least I was kind of protected)
We went to the driving range and hit balls for an hour or so...and then set off for the ball park.
The game had just started when we got there...the score was already 1-1.

We had some good seats...close to the action near the right side of home plate. Close enough to see everything...and less to distract me from actually watching the game...hahah If I sit farther back...I'm too busy watching people and goings-on between me and the field...but that's okay.(just don't ask me to keep score!)
We stayed long enough to see Harper get a nice hit to get on base...and then Zimmerman came up and knocked a home run to Center field to add two runs to the score. Right after that...LaRoche came up to bat and hit another homer. That was fun!
*In the meantime we were getting score updates on the Florida-Kentucky game which the Gators won to go 18-0 in the SEC this year.
I think we stayed till about the 5th inning...and then we decided to head out as I could feel my skin getting burnt...(i have a red neck today...haha...luckily it's not too bad). Enjoyed the game...seeing some of Megan and Marcus's favorite players in action...and watching the local kid pitch during the third inning and get several strike-outs. I had fun watching the crowd...reading all the different t-shirts...trying to see if I differentiate  the local fans vs the actual hometown (DC area) fans...based on their t-shirts. (I know I think too much sometimes...can't help it...haha). All in all it was a great afternoon at the ballpark...some place I never expected to be when we set out earlier in the day.

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