Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Here's to 32 Years!

Tomorrow is our I had to dig out some old photos (how do you like my sheepish grin...)
John's family...all those little ones have their own kids a matter of fact I'm working on planning a get together with this whole gang.
The weather has been beautiful here the last few days...just like it was 2/20/82..I think the Priest's trailer in the background adds a nice touch doesn't it...hahah
I miss these two
 Karen and I....this is probably the best picture of my was very simple
Linda and my godmother Pat...who recently passed away
I still remember how nice it was that afternoon...relaxing and celebrating out on my parent's back porch
but looking at these pictures also reminded me that too many of these family members and friends are no longer here with made me feel a little sentimental
Who needs a photo booth! hahah The Burtons have been dressing up and having fun at parties for a long time! I am pretty sure David was the instigator here. (the stuffed animal makes it don't you think...hahah)
After the wedding we were off to San Fransisco...we stayed a couple of nights at Mike and Kathy K's place
I had a lot more hair then...hahah this was at our next stop...Lake Tahoe.
It's kind of hard to believe it's been 32 years. some longer than others...hahah but we're still hanging in there...taking things one day at a time and enjoying the journey. Life has been good.

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