Sunday, February 9, 2014

Weekend get-togethers

Martha and Tony were in town for a quick visit this past weekend.( They were in Miami for a meeting, stopped here and now are off to see Ian and Tara.) We always look forward to time with them even if it's just for a couple of days.
There is usually a game (two) of golf at some point during a visit with them. I took Friday off so we met them at Aquarina as they made their way up from Miami.
I am happy to report that I now own a real pair of golf shoes (formerly Elizabeth's- thank you very much), my clubs have all new grips on no black hands...hahah. I have a skirt and a "real" golf's almost as though I really golf...hahah. unlike our trip to Naples a few years ago.) Bought the new visor at the clubhouse before we happened to be a perfect match for my shirt.
we didn't see any snakes or alligators

I haven't played in quite a I didn't know how I would do...but I wasn't too bad. I got better when I started using Martha's driver...I actually got two pars ...I had a chance for birdie on both...but my putting isn't that great without some practice. Basically I did fine on the drives...okay on the putting...and not too terrible on the in between shots...although I had trouble figuring out what direction I was going when I lined up my shots. If not for Tony and John getting mt straightened out... I may have been terrorizing  the wildlife all afternoon.
Friday night we met up with David and Bridget, Josh and Brenna for a birthday dinner at Villa Palma. Naturally David knew at least one person in each party that was in there while we were eating. I did find it interesting to note not just that  that he knew them...but they ALL seemed to know each is a real local spot with a lot of regulars.

After dinner we went back to our house to chat, have birthday cake and take a couple of pictures...of course.

Saturday John, Martha and Tony golfed again and I got things ready for our planned cook-out that evening.
Poor Brenna wasn't feeling too well after determining that the sauce her meat came with contained mushrooms...which do not agree with her. She was sick all day. (Josh and John who got part of it were she looked to see what the sauce is typically made of and found out why she was sick)
The rest of the gang joined us for dinner. David and Bridget were off to another party/fundraiser, so we didn't see them; but Mark, Paul and Tracy joined us. Josh put in an appearance and got a plate to go.
We had to take a quick picture before Mark had to go home and nap before heading to work 3rd shift...Tony tried...hahah...then Martha suggested that John might be a better choice as photographer
I think she was right...hahah
*In all fairness to camera is pretty easy...but sometimes it does kind of have a mind of it's can be getting ready to frame a shot and all of the sudden it just takes a picture!
And then...just like that they were off to NC and things are back to normal here. We did make some tentative plans for our next Burton get together.....threw a few ideas out... so we shall see.

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