Saturday, August 10, 2013

Last Saturday

 Last Saturday the festivities started at 6pm at the Grace Lutheran Church. Tara's uncle played the piano during the ceremony, that was performed by her grandfather. It's always nice to have family and friends involved. The day had started out gray and rainy...but we lucked out...the skies cleared and the afternoon was very pleasant. Cooler, sunny and no rain in sight!

 Martha looked lovely in her beautiful dress!( Liz didn't look too bad herself...haha)
Meredith and I smiling in the sun...haha

the bridesmaids wore did some of the guests...Brenna had some, David and Bridget got some and Tony had a nice new pair of the beginning of the evening he was heard saying "These boots are great! They are so comfortable" Martha suggested he might want to bring a back up pair of shoes...just in case...but he declined...more on that later...haha

Anne, Martha and Elizabeth

driving out to the site of the reception...lots of corn fields...miles and miles of green!

 They had tables under the tent and dancing in the barn. Luckily we didn't have to worry about any rain...the tent would have kept us dry...but walking back and forth would have been messy...( part of the reason for the boots!) The bridesmaids wore green. They had a variety of styles...all in the same shade of green. A couple had pink sashes. The maid of honor wore pink.The groomsmen had green man had pink.
                                             This barn dates back to the Revolutionary War
view out the back window...lots and lots of corn!

ready for dancing to start!

 The setting was country...but there were touches of Hawaii and the beach too. The ring bearer wore a Hawaiin shirt and flip flops. And as you can see...the cake had a beachy theme as well.

they do a lot of surfing and paddle-boarding back in Kure Beach.

                          After (lots) of pictures...the bridal party arrived on this tractor.
 which we naturally had to hop on to take our own pictures...haha Brenna, Martha, Megan and I took turns.

lots of bridesmaids

and the happy bride and groom

                    proud parents-Martha and Tony...I guess Tony was showing off the cool new boots...haha

                                  Jon, Liz, Wim, Anna, Tony, Meredith and Shane ready for a good time

 The DJ was great...played a good variety of music and kept us all dancing. The Burtons were first up on the floor...but it didn't take too long to get others out there too.I didn't have boots...but earlier in the day we went to the local T.J.Maxx to see if I could find some cheap shoes for dancing...just in case it was muddy out there...didn't want to ruin my good sandals. As it turned out I would have been fine...but the sandals I found ended up being inexpensive and SUPER comfortable while I danced all night.... and I've been wearing them ever since!
                                                              More pictures tomorrow!

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