Sunday, August 11, 2013

Feelin' hot hot hot is HOT outside...I just finished vacuuming the pool and figured I might as well come in, cool off and add pictures to the blog....haha. (and listen to music while I'm at it!)
Today I have some more shots from the reception. Mostly my family...because honestly, years from now I need to be able to identify the people in the photos. Haha if they're my friends and relatives even if I forget who they are...someone else in the group can remind me!
view from the barn back to the tent

Jon, Liz, Wim, Anna and Meredith
 While the wedding party was off getting photos taken...the guests gathered at the tent for beer, wine, soda, water and appetizers. We all enjoyed chatting with one another while we waited.

Liz, Jon, Martha and Brenna...they look color coordinated for the photo...totally unintentional

 As I mentioned, the group arrived on the tractor...even the bride jumped off and from the looks of things...the group was ready for some fun! (I'm going to have to get copies of the pictures David took...he (a.)has a better camera (b)got closer in to get shots and he's an artist...mine aren't bad...but on a different level.
John schmoozing with Kerry (sp?) Martha and Tony's friend from (Australia-originally, then Hawaii...currently in Arizona)

                                     Then after dinner and a little down time...the dancing started!
 Ian stayed mostly on the sidelines...making the rounds talking to everyone and just enjoying the day!
cousins-only 6 months apart

flowers from Friday dinner....then Saturday party
                                            Tony with the snazzy boots...John and Andy
Shane and Megan

Anna and Erik giving the dancers a thumbs up!  I had so much fun danicing with Ellen, Erik and Anna...especially to "Hey Ya!" I came home and downloaded to my I-pod for future dance parties. I will always picture Anna B singing and dancing to it when I hear it.
When the whole group was dancing and singing along to "Take me Home Country Road"or whatever the real title is Ian saw an opportunity to jump out on to the dance floor when everyone would SEE him dancing. (so noone could later never danced!) He told us the next day that he waited until it was half over...jumped in...danced till the end and went back to the sidelines. Smart guy!

There was one table near the door that became a collection point for shoes...mostly rented shoes that the groomsmen had been wearing...and one pair of snazzy BOOTS!. Apparently Tony's really comfortable  boots weren't so comfortable after a while. At one point he said in passing "God, these boots are KILLING me!" hahahahahahahahah I'm cracking up just writing this.  He managed to get them off...and as far as I know Martha never said "I told you!"  Later on when it was time to leave it took about 3 people to get them back on...hahahahhahaha and he gingerly walked back to the car.  Ahh the price we pay for fashion!  :)

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