Friday, August 9, 2013

Fair Warning...

If you read my know me well enough to know that from time to time I just like to's fair is one of those days.( Hey...if I can get it off my chest on the blog...maybe I won't be walking around bitching about it to everyone.) See I'm really doing everyone else a favor by complaining here. haha
First...I recently went to have some testing done. One test was covered and the other was actually a long shot, but the doctor decided she'd order it and see if the insurance would cover it. If not...they'd contact me and let me decide if I wanted to go ahead with it and pay for it myself. The test in question was to determine if I had a genetic mutation that might make me more susceptible to colorectal cancer; which might be good to know since we lost Jen to that cancer 6 years ago. surprise to was not covered and I decided it was not worth $4000.00 to me to know if I had the mutation. I go for screenings (colonoscopy) as recommended and so far results have been negative.
So what's my's not too bad...but I think the notice from my insurance company declining the request with this disclaimer.."Please be advised that this determination does not mean that the Member should not obtain the services proposed, nor does it mean that the Member does not require medical care. Any and all decisions that require or pertain to independent professional medical judgement or training, or the need for medical care, must be made solely by the member and the member's treating physician(s).....blah, blah, blah

Basically...we aren't paying for it...but you might benefit from you're own your own! It doesn't really bother me that much...because I figured they'd turn me down...but I still find the whole process interesting.

Okay now here comes the real rant......if you know me you know I tend to complain about a certain co-worker...who I will not name...but you know who I'm talking about. This particular person is one of those people you just can't figure out. She is very good at some aspects of her job...but she is also one of those people who acts like she is  strictly acting according to the rules...and I'm sorry...but I'm not buying it. There's too many little things that she does that just don't add up... and are all the more annoying since she acts like we all need to be sure we are following the rules...or else. Honestly I think the stress of the job is getting to her...because lately she's doing more and more things that I think are not completely above board. That rant has nothing to do with rules of the's a more personal thing.
For several years now I have been recycling the bags that the newspapers come in. In the friend in Tech Processing who got the newspapers in the morning would set the bags aside for me. (I use them for the dog(s).) She would collect them and put them in a drawer back in her work area. Note...this was a drawer otherwise unused...Not in any one's way. When she retired...the job of checking in the newspapers was taken over by the Reference ladies. No problem...they were happy to put the bags in a drawer back in their office for me. could anyone object to the fact that we were recycling the bags...not just adding them to the trash. well...apparently someone had a problem. I don't know for certain...but since no one else seems to know why the bags have suddenly disappeared...I assume it is the person I think it is. (does that sentence even make sense???) She gets to work first...and has suddenly decided she needs to remove the papers from the bags and then bring them to the reference desk. She doesn't PROCESS them...she just helps out by removing them from their bags..because you know that saves so much time.
So suddenly there are no bags around for me to take and reuse...and because it annoys me...I've looked around in the various trash cans...because I am not above retrieving them from the trash can...(clean in the morning...I don't dig through the trash...haha I'm not that bad! haha).
OKAY...I know this is kind of stupid...but that is what annoys me more than anything...why is something as trivial as this even an issue. I think sometimes I am being too critical of her...but then something like this comes up and I feel like I am validated. I do complain (try not to all the time)...and maybe this will make you understand why she drives me crazy!...haha
Okay...I'm done...I will try not to keep talking about this....from now on it's just more family and wedding fun! haha

***I just did a spell check and had to chuckle when the recommended spelling correction for colorectal...was kaleidoscope!!!! Okay...the test isn't bad...worst part is the prep...but I can assure you it's not as fun as a kaleidoscope!  hahahahah

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