Saturday, May 25, 2013

We'll miss you

                                                     We lost our good friend Pat yesterday.
                                   Last August Pat was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive cancer. She had some ups and downs....and fought hard...but
A few weeks ago; there were some further complications and  Pat made the decision to stop any further treatment. She was able to come back home to Indialantic, and her sister Harriet, Chuck, Nancy P. and the Hospice team took care of her. Friday morning she had a peaceful end to a life well lived.
I will remember her as I saw her last...once at the house before her last trip to Tampa...surrounded by friends, laughing and talking like old times...and one afternoon (morning?) walking with her sister Harriet. She looked happy...if I hadn't known...I would have thought she didn't have a care in the world......and so...I will remember her just like that. Pat....things won't be the same without you.........................

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