Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Nice weekend

 Memorial Day weekend turned out to be beautiful. The weather is a little milder than normal for late May in Florida. There was a great breeze blowing all day...so even though it was kind of hot...it didn't feel that way at all. We had no plans for the holiday...and as it turns out neither did a whole bunch of other people we know...so we all decided we should meet down at the beach. Duane promised to get there early and set up a tent. He also volunteered to bring down a few surfboards. Scott volunteered to bring his grill...and it went from there. A little bit of this...a little bit of that...some of our friends, some of their friends and pretty soon we had about 30- 40 people down at Tampa Ave.
 I can't even remember the last time I spent an entire afternoon at the beach...but I am happy to report I did not get burnt...and it was fun. Enjoyed catching up with some people I don't see often...and I met a lot of new people. Played a little Frisbee..(.since we couldn't find a ball to play paddleball). Never went all the way into the water...but enjoyed sitting down near the edge of the water and dipping my toes in. :)

 Saturday we were down in Malabar at a friend's 50th birthday party. They have lots of great oak trees on their property....and again the breeze kept things pleasant. Other than the birthday girl and her husband...I only knew a few people...John knew a bunch...but I had a nice relaxing afternoon.
 The breeze was really blowing...Bill and Renee finally got all the candles lit...but before Renee had a chance to take a breath and blow them out...they all got blown out by the wind! Oh well!

I was hoping to capture a picture of all the Confederate Jasmine growing in this tree. It was cool...and it smelled so nice sitting underneath that tree.

 Last weekend...we went to watch our friend Chandler graduate from Melbourne High School. He and about 499 others graduated that night. heard a few familiar names....

We enjoyed celebrating with Chandler. He is a great kid. always pleasant...loves to fish with John...and somehow he manages to put up with his dad...haha. Reid is very proud of him...and he should be. Congratulations Chandler!

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