Sunday, May 19, 2013

The Big Day!

 Saturday night after our get together...I was feeling a little nervous. John was a little upset with me because we had been a few minutes late to the rehearsal dinner. He hates being late...and felt especially bad that we were late to something so important. Due to circumstances mostly beyond my control...someone stopped by our room, someone needed shoes, someone needed medicine...etc,I was running behind schedule. Everything was fine and we had a nice dinner...but there was a little tension in the air. I'm guessing it was nerves....on all parts...but I was feeling a little out of sorts when I went to bed. Later John and I talked about it and decided everything was fine and the next day was going to be great. I felt a lot better. Martha and Bridget had planned to take a walk in the morning....I decided to join them. John got up early to play 9 holes of golf with Tom and some of the I could do whatever I wanted. When I got downstairs...Martha and Bridget were already off...but surprise, surprise...Mark had just arrived! (we weren't sure if he was going to make it). I knew my way I decided to take a walk anyway and maybe catch up with the other two. I never did find them...too many different routes to take...haha...but I had a nice walk. The air was cool...upper 60's and it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day.( At one point the forecast had called for rain on Sunday...then it changed to possible rain in the morning...but as it turns out...the rain was gone and it was a beautiful morning.) As I walked along, I heard the church bells ringing and I felt completely calm and happy. I got back and got ready to meet everyone downstairs for breakfast. The cafe had set aside a section of the dining area for our group. We figured trying to go out anywhere would be a challenge since it was Mother's Day. We all enjoyed a nice relaxing breakfast.
 Meanwhile upstairs the ladies had arrived to work their magic. Megan had arranged for two people to come and do hair and make-up. Aunt Martha had told her that was going to be her gift...she told Megan to make sure they made us all beautiful!
 We had fun listening to music, talking, etc. Megan was very calm, cool and collected. It was great! a few people stopped by from time to time to say hello and the morning flew by.
 We headed to the Mackey House at about 2:30pm. Megan, Marcus, Brenna and Jeni, Dan and Tim were already there getting ready. The girls were in the Bride's room...the guys in the Groom's room. Once Megan was dressed...the bridal party went to get some pictures taken before the wedding ceremony. (we hoped to cut down on picture time after the ceremony) I had a few last minute things to go over with Dave, the DJ and John and I got the photo "booth" set up. was time for some pictures! I didn't have my camera with my during the ceremony or reception (for the most part) but I got a few pictures beforehand. We were out in front for these pictures.
proud Dad

Marcus, Uncle Andy(who married them) and Megan

pretty flowers all around

the bouquets

 Back in the Bride's room we sipped on champagne...(some of us anyway...Megan didn't want any) Catie, Jeni and Megan posed for some pictures under the cute banner Jeni got for the shower :"Soon to be Mrs. Nealley"
Jeff who took lots of pictures for us...joined us

And then before we knew was time for the ceremony. The parent and grandparents were seated...the bridesmaids and then  to the sounds of Ho Hey by The Lumineers...Megan and John came down the aisle.
the groom and his family

and the other grandparents

Brenna , Aunt Sandy and Anne

            look at the pretty green tress in the background. It was PERFECT weather...a beautiful day!
the grand entrance

photo booth fun

Jimmy Buffett theme

John, Brenna, Dan, Marcus, Megan and Brian enjoying the best man's toast

I only got teary eyed a couple of times....this was one of them John and Megan danced to "Ballerina Out Of Control" by The Ocean Blue. At one point they almost changed it...because more than one person said "How are you going to dance to that song?" They both tried to come up with alternate songs...but ultimately decided to go with their first choice...Megan used to dance with John (on his feet) to this song...and she always said she would dance with him to that song when she got married. When they started was perfect...and that got me teary eyed.
Megan and Marcus's first dance was great. I did not capture a picture...but his mom and sister did. They looked like pros! Megan looked so completely happy...Marcus (who doesn't really like to dance that much) had a big smile on his face and it was so much fun to watch! After that we had hours of dancing and fun! I think just about everyone got up to dance at one time or another. Then we had the send-off....we lined the stairs...lit our sparklers and waved good-bye as Megan and Marcus rode off in the Bentley. I didn't get any pictures of the when I get some...I'll be sure to put them in!