Friday, May 17, 2013

Saturday fun

 The first night in Savannah, John and I walked around downtown. We went to the City Market and down to the river area. There are many shops in the area...but the Marc Jacobs store had this fun window display.  I knew better than to go into the store...there were a lot of cute dresses in the window...but I didn't want to see the prices! In the meantime...I loved this picnic scene with the giant ants carrying off the food.
 and the bees too...I tried to bring Brenna and Megan back the next day...but they had changed out the display! Too bad...all I could do is show them the photos. (glad I took them!) I know I am easily amused...but I loved this!
 Meanwhile we had fun with this GoBoard at the Marriott. everytime I went by... I just had to approach it and pretend to be the weather girl...haha
 It was a busy weekend in Savannah...many weddings, and Savannah College of Art and Design graduation.
In the evening there were people everywhere enjoying the mild temperatures. The town was full of happy people! At one point we were walking through the park and saw a small group of preschoolers and their teachers. The children were taking turns putting on a graduation cap and gown and posing for pictures. Oh I could have watched them for hours...those cute little faces with big wide smiles as they took turns up on the chair getting their picture taken in the park.
fun sign...and the place was actually the name fit perfectly...haha

As I mentioned in my last post,  Friday and Saturday I had fun looking out our room window. It overlooked the front seemed like each time I looked out...someone else from our group was arriving. I felt like a kid at a birthday party waiting for the guests!
    At 2pm we had to go over to the Mackey House for the rehearsal. Just a quick run through before the          big day. There was a wedding Saturday we cleared out as quickly as possible.

 Jeni made Megan get the shower "bouquet" and walk down the aisle...she insisted it would give her good luck. Hey...why not! Brenna and Megan practiced the bouquet hand-off...haha

 That evening the families and the bridal party met downtown at Churchills' Pub for a delicious dinner. Everything we had was really good. We enjoyed talking to the Emma and Tim, Allie (sp?) and Dan, and Jeff and Jeni.
                                    Josh was a good sport...he was trying to get a good photo.
            I haven't seen his...but at least I managed to get at least one that wasn't too bad.
 We had planned a get-together for Saturday night. A sort of Meet and kind of break the ice before the wedding. Almost everyone made it...and we took over the lounge at the hotel. (John cleared it with Tina the bartender beforehand). I had some snacks, made everyone a name tag and we enjoyed meeting one another and chatting for a couple of hours. It was fun.
new friends, new family, family and old friends...a great mix

 When I showed a friend this picture...she commented the the woman front and center didn't look too happy... she wasn't with our group...she was probably just trying to get a drink! haha Also at one point I noticed my sister Liz chatting it up with a couple...I never was sure if she realized they weren't part of our group...haha...they just happened to be at the bar. haha From here, part  of the gang went across the street to a place called The Distillery. I (wisely) decided to save my energy for the next was tempting...but I figured sleep was more important. I might have been a tad hyper/nervous

I think our Saturday night get together made the reception that much more fun...everyone had a head start on getting to know each other. John was stationed at a table near the all the names down on name was perfect...he never had to get up...but he made sure he met each person there.

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