Monday, February 25, 2013

More from the wedding

 The entrance to the reception area. There was an old ,/strike> antique desk with the guest book. There were sparklers and matches for the end of the party.
"Love" seat

 Mother of the bride and her son-in law.
                        Laura...the bride's sister...and we think the Best man was Marc's bother.
     I had to chuckle...Lindsey had three bridesmaid; including the Matron-of-Honor....and Marc had  five     groomsmen....usually it's the girls that have all their friends included in the wedding...actually Marc's dad mentioned 4 boys (or was it 5?)  so that might explain the extra guys.
Lindsey and Art

Aunt Jeanette, Marc, Lindsey & Uncle Joe

the bride's family

 wondering how this slipped in???...haha. There was a restroom for the women...but this was the Men's room
 Anne, Glenn F, Lindsey, Kathy F and John. John has known Lindsey's dad since they were in first grade together. Glenn and Kathy lived next door to the Topp's for many years while the kids were growing up. We all had fun talking about camping trips to Fort Wilderness, Long Point and more we all enjoyed together when the kids were growing up.
                          Doesn't she look happy! I enjoyed Lindsey's wedding. Things didn't go exactly as planned...but she didn't seem to mind. She had a lot of nice touches...that she did herself. You could tell much time and thought went into the planning. It was elegant... (at Target they call it "Shabby Chic" yet relaxed...and very comfortable. Everyone felt welcome and at ease from the moment they walked up to the venue. We didn't stay till the very end...but it looked like Lindsey, Marc and their friends were having a fine time when we left.

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