Monday, March 4, 2013

For my next party... it won't be anytime in the near future...since we have the wedding coming up and then my nephew's wedding in August...but I have plans for my next party. Ever since I read The Paris Wife and saw the movie Midnight in Paris last year; I have have wanting to have a "Roaring Twenties" party. I have seen dresses here and there that would work great for the theme,  but most were too expensive and I didn't want to spend too much money on a costume. Well...yesterday when I was at the mall allegedly looking for a necklace to match the dress I'm wearing to the wedding. I didn't really see anything I couldn't live without...and then came  my last stop of the day...the Petite Department of Dillard's. I spotted a dress too perfect to pass up...and the fact that it was on the 65% off rack...I had to try it on. Now I can't imagine this dress for anything other than a costume party...maybe that's why it was on super clearance...but I had to get it. I felt compelled to explain WHY I was buying the dress...because it was kind of  embarrassing to be seen buying it...haha.( Kind of like when I bought my dress for our White Trash Bowling Bash. )
The clerk thought it was perfect for a flapper costume. It's dark pink with tiers of  ruffles...with a row or two of black ruffles on the bottom. The straps...about 1 inch...are covered with "jewels"....

All I'll need is a headpiece and a wig...and I'm ready! I saw an ad for a remake of The Great Gatsby...which got me thinking...
 I told John I was ready for my next party....he looked at me and said "Your next party? We have a wedding in May...that's your next party." Reminds me of myself getting nervous when he is planning our next trip when we are still  driving home from a trip! haha
I assured him I was in no rush...but sometime this year...I am going to have this party....just wait.

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