Sunday, February 24, 2013


I've always thought that the only way to truly appreciate how well something is to do it yourself and find out what is involved. The first thing that comes to my mind is music. Growing up I learned to play the violin sort of . I was never very good at it...mainly because I never invested the time required to practice and really learn to play.  I was young......but still...when it came to practicing...I wasn't very dedicated.  However....since then I appreciate good music so much more! When I listen to an orchestra, particularly the strings section....I can understand what it takes to play music well. I love listening to music...even if it's not my particular hear music played's amazing.
Another example is American Idol. I've never really watched the just doesn't interest me...I find myself being critical...when the reality is ALL of the contestants can sing better than I ever could! I'd rather not watch...because I know I'm not being objective...I think it's impressive that they are willing to get out and perform, take a risk, whatever...but I don't feel the need to watch I guess. And art brother is an artist...not everyone "gets" his art...I happen to enjoy it. And as I stroll along any show I attend...I try to keep an open mind....some media I just don't care for...other times you see art that's not that great...but to each his own...again I appreciate the fact that the artists are confident enough to put it out there for everyone to see.
Soooooo...that brings me to my point finally!
Planning Megan's wedding...or helping to plan it...has made me look a little closer at other weddings. You can't compare one to another...because if it's done right...each one should be a reflection of that particular bride's (and groom) personality. I've been to some very casual weddings, some very traditional, some unconventional......but each one was good in it's own way. I always try hard to appreciate the celebration for what it is...and not get caught up in comparing details to what I would've done, or what I've seen done, etc. I've been at receptions and overheard guests (mostly women I hate to say) making negative comments about various aspects of the wedding/reception. Maybe about the bridesmaid dresses...maybe the food...the get the idea. That always annoys me...if you are lucky enough to have been invited...then why not just appreciate that and enjoy the celebration. I'm not saying I've always been the perfect guest...I've been to a couple of interesting one the groom got pretty drunk and was a little too "friendly" with some of the female guests...which resulted in a fight...(great way to start your marriage...haha), one was a very formal reception...for a very informal couple...and the groom's friends in particular...looked completely ill at ease the whole time. The older woman pouring the tea....with a very stern look on her face didn't help...haha You could tell...the bride's mother had planned the whole thing and I don't think anyone really had a good time at that reception. (however 35 years later the couple is still Mom may not  have approved of her daughter's choice...but I hope she had enough sense to come around after a while)
Now there is so MUCH info out there...on the Internet..Pinterest, Blogs, etc....that it can be helpful but also a little overwhelming. You start looking at different photos, ideas, etc...and and you get inspired but intimidated too.
I had a moment a couple of weeks ago...looking at pictures from one bride's lovely reception. All the could tell it had been very carefully planned out and I kind of panicked. I thought to myself...oh my gosh I'm not doing enough...I can't do all that. I started thinking maybe I was getting carried away ...and not in a good way...with my ideas for decorations, etc. And I didn't sleep well that night. Then when I got up  the next day....I had to stop and remind mind myself...that I can't do all that...but I also don't need to do all that. I LOVE parties.....and as far as I know no one's ever complained about a party they've been to at our house. We have FUN!...and it may not be perfect...but it's enough for us....and honestly I think I do a pretty  good job. 
Yesterday at our friend's wedding...there were moments when things didn't go according to plan....and you could see some people getting a little "restless"...but you know who wasn't concerned at all....the couple. They never looked distressed...they never looked frazzled...they looked like they enjoyed EVERY moment of the who cares! And when the temptation might have been to think "Oh my...I'd never do that"...I just know what that's not how I would like it...but it's not my party.
I was curious to see how this celebration would be different from the bride's sister's wedding (last year). They are close as sisters...but their personalities are very different. Laura's wedding was a little more traditional...the reception was at a nice hotel. Lindsey's venue was much more relaxed....down to earth...much like the bride and groom. Laura's reception was handled by the staff......she didn't have to set anything up...etc....Lindsey got to the site early in the day and added decorative touches to the existing decor. She made it feel like it was" her" party. You could see she had spent a lot of time preparing in advance. She set it up...and as far as I could tell...once she did that, she wasn't too concerned about if everything was exactly as she had hoped it would be . It was done...and she enjoyed the day.
Kathy and I compared notes as we sat back and enjoyed the festivities....trying to determine...what's going to work for us....we weren't critiquing....  we just had  fun. We have both known Lindsey and Laura since they we we we knew each would have their own way of doing things...and we enjoyed seeing how it all turned out. The ONLY thing I couldn't help myself from thinking was about the DJ and the music...hahah I don't think I heard one song I liked...haha I try to be good...I just can't help myself hahah ...or would play...but you know what...I didn't expect to...and it didn't matter to them that I wasn't up there dancing....they were having fun.
If you know me...haha you know I tend to analyze things...sometimes more than I should...but I just do. (I should have been an Anthropologist or something...studying people...haha) I guess because of the wedding we are planning...I've thought about  all this a little more than usual lately..... and  it's kind of fun...
Meanwhile...plans are moving along for Megan and Marcus's big day......and my hope is that they will have a great time and everyone who celebrates with them (us) that day will think about it it afterwards  and say... "Now that was fun! What a great celebration!"

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