Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wednesday and Thursday

  We had some tasty food and John and Bill found out who they were going to be playing with/against.

                                         Pretty sunset down by the lake.
                                           John and his sister-in-law Kathie.
 Thursday night John cooked up some fresh fish that we brought up with us. It was a lovely evening...so we sat out on the porch.Of course...we took lots of pictures.
                                                                  Bill & Kathie
 At one point Sandy was trying to get out of her chair...or get closer to the table...or something when it wobbled and a few drinks tipped. Kathie lost one drink...and then asked "Didn't I have a lemon in my water? Why yes...haha...and there it is next to the cheesy tomatoes on Sandy's plate. And you can't see it...but there was also a bit of water on there too. Oh well...she made the best of it. And we all got a good laugh.

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