Monday, August 6, 2012

North Carolina

 We just got back in town after a few days up in North Carolina. We went up to visit John's brother and sister-in law, his sister Sandy, and his niece and her daughter. It was all part of the annual Member/Guest weekend at Trillium. We have enjoyed being a part of it for the last 3 years.
John and Bill have managed to win something each year....this year they got 2nd place in their "flight" and John also got one prize for a shot closest to the pin. He had two birdies one day...but wouldn't you know...another golfer got a hole in one! no extra prize that day....other than knowing he had played very well!
                     While they golfed every day...we went into Highlands and eat, shop. etc.
 I tried to get out and take a walk each day.Usually...the first day I start up the hill and feel like I am on the verge of collapsing...because I am huffing and puffing. I have to say this time I felt pretty good! (all that therapy paid off!) I walked up and down the hills for about 45 minutes to an hour...a little more of a workout than my walking around Indialantic! haha But I love looking down the roads and seeing scenes like this.

 I had to stop and take pictures of plants and leaves along the way. A hint of things to come in October. I loved this maple leaf. First saw it upside down and then flipped it over to see the red lined edges.
 And here and there there were yellow leaves in the green grass...and I had to look at each one...tried to stop myself from taking pictures of all of them! hahah

                                             I always like the clover! (so do the bees!)

                                              Lots of wildflowers everywhere...they're beautiful.
                                                  Here is the view from our bedroom window.....
                                       so nice to wake up to! The temperatures were great...not as hot as last year. A little bit of rain  a couple of times...but generally BEAUTIFUL weather. I loved it all!

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