Thursday, August 9, 2012

Friday ngiht Low Country Boil

  The sisters-in law....posing on the deck
Friday was the day of the annual Ladies Luncheon. Sandy, Kathie and I attended just like last year.We sat at a table with a member who was from Ft. Lauderdale...her guest, her mother-in-law was also from Ft. Lauderdale. The way the table was set up, I ended up seated on the opposite side of the table from where Sandy and Kathie were. Since the place cards were in place...I didn't want to argue with anyone about where I should I was between two people I did not know. (we got there a little later than the others...and I didn't want to ask anyone to move...the whole idea is to meet new what the heck...I went with the flow...haha) I enjoyed Gayle, on my right, we enjoyed talking about Florida and North Carolina. She was very pleasant. The woman on my right never said two words to me...she just talked with her friend. Oh well...she wasn't rude...she smiled my way...but kept to herself. The food was delicious as usual...especially the dessert...a "Wild Berry Pudding" wild berries combined with creamy white chocolate in a bread pudding. Yum!

 The speaker this year was a local garden designer...with an impressive resume...he and his partner do all the floral and event styling at the Highlands Old Edwards Inn & Spa. He demonstrated how to make terrariums for your mantle that I don't have or tabletop. It was interesting...similar to the style of the centerpiece, with the moss, etc...the best thing was most of the finished products only require watering one day a week...that sounds like my kind of plant...haha
 Friday night was a barbecue/Low Country Boil down by the clubhouse. They had grilled salmon, shrimp with potatoes, corn, etc, and (delicious) fried chicken. There were collard greens when it comes to greens...I feel like a Pittsburgher...rather than a greens for me! hahah, hush puppies, yummy corn bread, cole slaw, beans and rice. Everything I ate was really good. I loved the colorful table linens and napkins...and as usual...the flowers were beautiful.

 Our group-Bill & Kathie, John, (Bill & Kathie's daughter) Jennifer and her daughter (and her doll...Julie), John's sister Sandy and I. The entertainment for the night was a Grammy nominated Bluegrass band. They were the crowd up dancing. They took a long break right after they started...which I thought was a bit odd...but they were good once they got going. Sandy is a pretty good clogger...and she got up to dance...I couldn't help but laugh, because all I could think was...if her sweater got tangled up in her feet while she was dancing...I thought she might go flying.(this after the table bump Thursday night and a little fall on the stairs earlier in the day...but she did not fall...and everyone clapped. She had fun...and I got a good laugh. She really is a good clogger. Jennifer used to dance...she gave it a try when we got back to the house...I didn't even try...figured the torn ACL might hinder my ability to move the way you have to...I think I made John nervous when I acted like I might try...hehehehe

 You can never have too many pictures...hah. Last time we saw Jennifer was 4 years I had to make up for lost time! haha

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