Sunday, August 12, 2012

Awards dinner-August 3,2012

Saturday morning we slept in and relaxed...then Kathie, Sandy, Jennifer, Ava and I went into Cashiers and Highlands for some last minute shopping. we went to the furniture/antique store above...Kathie knows the owners. It was fun to look around.

 This is actually from Friday night...we used the golf carts to get to the barbecue.
                       It makes parking a lot easier! we took them on Saturday night as well..
                                                                 John and his niece
                                                    coffee, tea and cocoa in the afternoon

                                               All spiffed up and ready for dinner. John and Bill got 2nd place in their flight...and John won one closest to the pin we enjoyed the awards part of the evening...hahaha
 As usual...the flowers were beautiful...simple but so pretty and fresh looking.
As the sun was setting we stepped down from the dinner area and took this picture of the lights in the tent.

                             Floating candles and hydrangea leaves in the water were pretty.
After our main meal, each table got one of these dessert platters....yumm! Since we didn't have a full table full of people we got extras...and we made sure to try them all...or at least most of them...haha. After that we headed back to the house where we met up with Sandy, Ava and Jennifer who had just returned from their dinner...and we all had a nice evening talking and promising to try and get together a little more often.

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